1916. cannot be judge in bis own cause, and that where he wishes to getI>* Sajupayothe effect of bis own act be must seek the assistance of the
J Court.
aiftttTy In this case, since the sale to the defendant was by WarlianuMohomadv himself, it was necessary for him, before he sold to the plaintiff, tohove got the deed in favour of the defendant out of the way bymeans of restitutio in integrum or some equivalent legal proceeding,and he should have claimed that remedy within a certain limitedtime after he came of age. Under the Roman-Dutch law theperiod of limitation appears to be four years. (Voet 4, I, tf>,Van dcr Keessel Thes. 900.) But with us the period is regulated bythe Ordinance No. 22 of 3871, and it was held in Silindu v. Dureya 1that the application for restitution should, under section 11 of thatOrdinance, be made within three years of the attainment of majority.Warlianu made no such application at any time. Connected withthis is the allied question of ratification, which may be eitherexpress or tacit. According to Sande on Restraints 1, 6, IS (Webber’s_ trans, 44). a void alienation may be tacitly confirmed, if the minorhas raised no protest within five years after coming of age:
“ For then an alienation void per s& will be confirmed by an impliedratification as it were, whether the alienation has been made bythe minor himself or by his tutor of curator.” See also RamenChetty v. Silva,2 as to the application to Ceylon of the Roman-Dutchdoctrine of ratification. I do not know whether the period offive years is still necessary, but, assuming it to be so. I needonly point out that Warlianu made no protest whatever at anytime, but only sold the land a second time to the plaintiff, ignoringthe first sale to the defendant, some seven years after he attainedmajority.
In my opinion the judgment of the District Judge in favour ofthe defendant is right, and I agree that- this appeal should bedismissed, with costs.
Appeal dismissed.
> {1907) 1 A. G. R. loO.
f 1012) 15 N. L. It. 286.