Medical (Amendment)

Medical (Amendment)

BE it enacted by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as follows:-

[21st June
, 1985
Short title and date of operation.

1. This Act may be cited as the Medical (Amendment) Act, No. 23 of 1985, and shall come into operation on such date as the Minister may appoint by Order published in the Gazette.

Amendment of section 7 of Chapter 105.

2. Section 7 of the Medical Ordinance (hereinafter referred to as the” principal enactment”) is hereby amended in subsection (1) of that section by the substitution, for paragraph (c) of that subsection of the following paragraph :

“(c) certificates of efficiency or certificates of proficiency as pharmacists; and”.

Amendment of section 56 of the principal enactment.

3. Section 56 of the principal enactment is hereby amended by the repeal of subsection (1) of that section and the substitution therefor of the following subsection : –

” (1) No person shall be registered as a pharmacist, unless he is of good character and-

(a) serves an apprenticeship for two years in accordance with the provisions contained in the Sixth Schedule and thereafter obtains a certificate of efficiency as a pharmacist issued by the College Council on or before a date to be determined by the Minister, by Order published in the Gazette.

(b) follows the training programme for pharmacists conducted by the Department of Health and obtains a certificate of proficiency as a pharmacist issued by the College Council; or

(c) holds a degree or diploma in pharmacy granted by any University established under the Universities Act, No. 16 of 1978 ; or

(d)” is an “apothecary; or

(e) is an estate apothecary.”.

Amendment of section 57 of the principal enactment.

4. Section 57 of the principal enactment is hereby amended by the repeal of paragraph (a) thereof.

Amendment of section 58 of the principal enactment.

5. Section 58 of the principal enactment is hereby amended by the repeal of subsection (2) thereof.

Amendment of section 74 of the principal enactment.

6. Section 74 of the principal enactment is hereby amended by the repeal of the definition of “Pharmacy Acts It.

Amendment of Fifth Schedule to the principal enactment.

7. The Fifth Schedule to the principal enactment is hereby amended as follows : –

(1) by the omission therefrom

(a) of the declaration under the heading” Where Applicant is registered under the Pharmacy Acts. “; and

(b) of the declaration under the heading “Where Applicant is qualified to be registered under the Pharmacy Acts. ” ;

(2) by the substitution, for the heading” Where Applicant holds a Certificate as a Pharmacist issued by the College Council.”, of ‘the heading” Where Applicant holds a Certificate of Efficiency as a Pharmacist issued by the College Council. ” ;

(3) by the insertion, immediately after the declaration under the heading” Where Applicant holds a Certificate of Efficiency as a Pharmacist issued by the College Council.”, of the following new declaration: –

” Where Applicant holds a Certificate of Proficiency as a Pharmacist issued by the College Council.

I, (name and address of applicant) hereby declare as follows:

I am the person named (name) in the Certificate of Proficiency as a Pharmacist issued by the College Council now produced and shown to me and marked A.

(Signature of Applicant)

Dated this . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of ……………

Declared before me this day of ……

(Signature of person taking the declaration).

Justice of the Peace or Commissioner for Oaths. “.

(4) by the insertion immediately after the declaration under the heading” Where Applicant holds a Certificate of Proficiency as a Pharmacist issued by the College Council.”, of the following new declaration :

“Where Applicant holds a degree or diploma in pharmacy granted by any University established under the Universities Act, No. 16 of 1978.

I, (name and address of applicant), hereby declare as follows.

I am the person named (name) in the Certificate issued by the University of (name of University) now produced and shown to me and marked A.

(Signature of Applicant)

Dated this “…” day of …………….

Declared before me this day of ……..

(Signature of person taking the declaration).

Justice of the Peace or Commissioner of Oaths.