Local Authorities (Special Provisions)

Local Authorities (Special Provisions)

WHEREAS nominations were submitted for the purpose of elections to certain local authorities.

WHEREAS it became necessary to postpone the poll for such elections, due to persons of public order:

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to extend the term of office of members of the local authorities, and to make, further provision for the continuation of local government functions in these local government areas:

NOW THEREFORE, be it enacted by the ,Parliament ,of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as follows:

[24th November
, 1987
Short title and date of operation.


(1) This Act may be cited as the Local Authorities (Special Provisions) Act, No. 43 of 1987.

(2) The provisions this Act, other than the provisions of section 5 thereof, shall come into operation on the date of commencement of this Act.

(3) The provisions of section 5 of this Act, shall come into operation on such date as may be appointed by the Minister, by Order published in the Gazette.

Extension of term of office of members of Development Councils.

2. The term of office of the elected members of every Development Council specified in Schedule I to this Act, holding office on the” day preceding the date of commencement of this Act, is hereby extended, from the date of ‘commencement of this Act until the first day of January, 1989, or such earlier date as the Minister may appoint, by Order published in the Gazette;

Extension of term of office of members of certain Municipal Councils, and Urban Councils.


(1) Notwithstanding anything in section 10 of the Municipal Councils Ordinance or in the Order made under that section and published in Gazette Extraordinary No. 453/4 of May 12, 1987, the term of office of members of each of the Municipal Councils specified ,in Schedule II to this Act, holding office on the day preceding the first day of January, 1988, is hereby extended from the first day of January, 1988, until the first day of January, 1989, or such earlier date as the Minister may appoint, by Order published in the Gazette; and such first day of January or the date so appointed, shall for the purposes of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 10 of the Municipal Councils Ordinance, be the date of commencement of the term of office of the new members elected to each such Council.

(2) Notwithstanding anything in section 10 of the Urban Councils Ordinance or in the Order made under that section and published in Gazette Extraordinary No. 453/4 of May 12, 1987, the term of office of the members of each of the Urban Councils Specified in Schedule III to this Act, holding office on the day preceding the first day of January, 1988; is hereby extended from the first day of’ January; 1988, until the first day of January, 1989, or such earlier date as the Minister may appoint, ,by Order published in the Gazette; and such first day of January or the date so appointed shall, for the purposes of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 10 of the Urban Councils Ordinance, be the date of commencement of the term-of office of the new members elected to each such Council.

Special Commissioners to administer affairs or certain Pradeshiya Sabhas.


(1) Notwithstanding anything in the Order made under section 6 of the Pradeshiya Sabha Act, No. 15 of 1987 and published in Gazette Extra ordinary No. 453/4 of May 12, 1987 the term of office of every Pradeshiya Sabha specified in Schedule IV and Schedule V to this Act shall commence on the first day of January, 1989 or on such earlier date as the Minister may appoint, by Order published in the Gazette; and such first- day of January or the date so appointed shall for the purposes of that Act, be deemed to be ,the date of commencement of the term of office of each such Council and not the first day .of January, 1988, as specified in that Order.

(2) The Minister may, by Order published in the Gazette, appoint a Special Commissioner to administer the affairs of any Pradeshiya Sabha specified in Schedule IV or Schedule V to this Act, during the period commencing on the first day of January, 1988 and ending on the date of commencement of the term of office of such Council as provided in subsection (1)) ; and far that purpose, and subject to such conditions as may be specified in that Order, to exercise the powers and perform the duties, of a Pradeshiya Sabha or the Chairman of a Pradeshiya Sabha under the Pradeshiya , Sabhas Act, No. 15 of 1987.

(3) Upon the commencement of the term of office of a Pradeshiya Sabha specified in schedule IV or Schedule V to this Act, such Pradeshiya, sabha shall be successor to any Special Commissioner appointed, under subsection (1), to administer the affairs of, such Pradeshiya Sabha.

Special provision relating to nominations for elections to certain local authorities.


(1) Notwithstanding anything in section 35 of the Local Authorities Elections Ordinance (Chapter 262) or in any notice public under that section, the Commissioner of Elections shall, Within two weeks of the date of the coming into operation of this section, publish a notice in the Gazette, specifying a period during ,which nomination, Papers will be received by the respective returning officers, for each of the electoral areas specified in Schedule V to this Act, being an electoral area in respect of which, no nomination papers were received or, all the nomination papers received were’ rejected, in previous nomination periods specified under the Local Authorities Elections Ordinance, with respect to that electoral area.

(2) Where any nomination papers are submitted to the returning officer in respect of any such electoral areas during the period specified under subsection (1), the provisions of the Local Authorities Elections Ordinance $hall thereupon apply. Where on the other hand no nomination papers are received within that period in, respect of any electoral area, or all the nomination papers received, within that period in respect of any electoral area are rejected, the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of section 35 of that Ordinance shall apply.


(Section 2)


1. The Colombo Development Council.

2. The Gampaha Development Council.

3. The Kalutara Development Council

4. The Kandy Development Council.

5 The Matale Development Council.

6. The Nuwara-Eliya Development Council

7. The Galle Development Council.

8. The MataraDevelopment Council.

9. The Hambantota Development Council.

10. The Ampara Development Council.

11. The Kurunegala Development Council.

12. The Puttalam Development Council

13. The uradhapura Development Council.

14. The Polonnaruwa Development Council

15. The Badulla Development Council.

16. The Moneragala Development Council.

17. The Ratnapura Development Council.

18. The Kegalle Development Council


(Section 3)


1. The .Colombo Municipal Council

2. The Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia Municipal Council

3. The Negombo Municipal Council.

4. The Kandy ,Municipal Council.

5. The Galle Municipal Council.

6. The Kurunegala Municipal Council.

7. The Badulla Municipal Council

8. The Ratnapura Municipal Council.


(Section 3)


1. The Sitawaka pura Urban Council.

2. The Kolonnawa Urban Council.

3. The Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte Urban Council

4. The MoratuwaUrban Council.

5. The Gampaha Urban Council

6. The Ja-Ela Urban Council.

7. The Katunayake-Seeduwa. Urban Council.

8. The Minuwangoda Urban Council..

9. The Peliyagoda Urban Council.

10. The Beruwala Urban Council.

11. The Horana Urban Council.

12. The Kalutara Urban Council.

13. The Panadura Urban Council.

14. The Gampola Urban Council.

15. The Kadugannawa Urban Council.

16. The Nawalapitiya Urban Council

17. The Wattegama Urban Council.

18. The Hatton-Dickoya Urban Council

19. The Talawakelle-Lindula Urban Council.

20. The Ambalangoda Urban Council.

21. The Matara Urban Council.

22. The Hambantota Urban Council.

23. The Tangalle Urban Council.

24. The Ampara Urban Council..

25. The Chilaw Urban Council.

26. The Puttalam Urban Council.

27. The Anuradhapura Urban Council.

28. The Bandarawela Urban Council.

29. The Haputale Urban Council.

30. The Kegalle Urban Council


(Section 4)


1. The HomagamaPradesmya Sabha.

2. The Kaduwela Pradeshiya Sabha.

3. The Kesbewa Pradeshiya Sabha.

4. The Kotikawatte-Mulleriyawa Pradeshiya, Sabha.

5. The Maharagama Pradeshiya Sabha.

6. The Sitawaka Pradeshiya Sabha.

7. The Attanagalle Pradeshiya, Sabha.

8. The Divulapitiya Pradeshiya Sabha.

9, The Dompe Pradeshiya Sabha.

10. The Gampaha Pradeshiya Sabha.

11. The Ja-Ela Pradeshiya Sabha.

12. The Katana Pradeshiya Sabha.

13. The Kelaniya Pradeshiya Sabha.

14. The Mahara Pradeshiya Sahha.

15. The Minuwangoda Pradeshiya Sabha.

16. The Mirigama Pradeshiya Sabha.

17. The Agallawata Pradeshiya Sabha.

18. The Bandaragama Pradeshiya Sabha.

19. The Beruwela Pradeshiya Sabha.

20. The Bulathsinhala Pradeshiya Sabha.

21. The Dodangoda Pradeshiya Sabha.

22. The Horana Pradeshiya Sabha.

23. The Kalutara Pradeshiya Sabha.

24. The Maugham Pradeshiya’ Sabha.

25. The Panadura Pradeshiya Sabha.

26. The WalalJ,awita Pradeshiya Sabha.

27. The Akurana Pradeshiya Sabha.

28. The Ganga Ihala Korale Pradeshiya sabha.

29. The Harispattpwa Pradeshiya Sabha.

30. The Kandy Four Gravets and Ganga-vtata Korale Pradeshiya Sabha.

31. The Kundasale Pradeshiya Sabha.

32. The Minipe Pradeshiya Sabha.

33. The Panwila Pradeshiya Sabha.

34. The Pasbage, Korale Pradeshiya Sabha:

35. The Pathadumbara Pradeshiya Sabha.,

36. The Pathahewaheta Pradeshiya Sabha.

37. The Pujapitiya Pradeshiya Sabha.

38. The Uda Dumbara Pradeshiya Sabha.

39. The Udapalatha Pradeshiya Sabha.

40. The Yatinuwara Pradeshiya Sabha.

41. The Dambul]a Pradeshiya Sabha.

42. Tb Galewela Pradeshiya Sabha.

43. The Naula, Pradeshiya -Sabha.

44. The pallepola Pradeshiya Sabha.

45. The Rattota Pradeshlya Sabha.

46. The Yatawatta Pradeshiya Sabha.

47. The Hanguranketa Pradeshiya Sabha.

48. The Kotmale Pradeshiya Sabha.

49. The Walapane Pradeshiya Sabha.

50. The Akmeemana Pradeshiya Sabha.

51. The Ambalangoda Pradeshiya Sabha.

52. The Baddegama Pradeshiya Sabha.

53. The Balapitiya Pradeshiya Sabha.

54. The Bentota Pradeshiya Sabha.

55. The Elpitiya Pradeshiya Sabha.

56. The Habaraduwa Pradeshiya Sabha .

57. The Hikkaduwa Pradeshiya Sabha.

58. The Karandeniya Pradeshiya Sabha.

59. The Labuduwa Pradeshiya Sabha.

60. The Nagoda Pradeshiya Sabha.

61. The Neluwa Pradeshiya Sabha.

62. The Niyagama Pradeshiya Sabha.

63. The Tawalama Pradeshiya Sabha.

64. The Yakkalamulla’ Pradeshiya Sabha.

65. The Akuressa Pradeshiya Sabha.

66. The Devinuwara Pradeshiya Sabha.

67. The Dickwella Pradeshiya Sabha.

68. The Hakmana Pradeshiya Sabha.

69. The Kamburupitiya Pradeshiya Sabha

70. The Kotapola Pradeshiya Sabha.

71. The Malimboda Pradeshiya Sabha.

72. The Pasgoda Pradeshiya Sabha.

73. The Thihagoda Pradeshiya Sabha.

74. The Weligama Pradeshiya Sabha.

75. The Ambalantota Pradeshiya Sabha.

76. The Beliatta Pradeshiya Sabha.

77. The Lunugamwhera Pradeshiya Sabha.

78. The Lunugamwehera Pradeshiya Sabha.

79. The Tissamaharamaya Pradeshiya: Sabha.

80. The Weeraketiya Pradeshiya Sabha.

81. The VavuniyaSouth (Sinhala) Pradeshiya Sabha.

82. The Kattankudy Pradeshiya Sabha

83. The Addalachchenai pradeshiya Sabha.

84. The Damana Pradeshiya Sabha.

85. The Kalmunai Pradeshiya Sabha.

86. The Karunkoditivu Pradeshiya Sabha.

87. The Nintavur Pattu pradeshiya Sabha.

88. The Pottuvil Pradeshiya Sabha.

89. The Sammanturai Pradeshiya Sabha.

90. The Kantale Pradeshiya Sabha. .

91. The Kinniya Pradeshiya Sabha.

92. The Muttur Pradeshiya Sabha.

93. The Alawwa Pradeshiya Sabha.

94. The Bingiriya Pradeshiya Sabha.

95. The Galgamuwa Pradeshiya Sabha.

96. The Giribawa Pradeshiya Sabha,

97. The Ibbagamuwa Pradeshiya Sabha.

98. The Kobeigane Pradeshiya Sabha.

99. The Kurunegala Pradeshiya Sabha.

100. The Mahawa Pradeshiya Sabha.

101. The Nikaweratiya Pradeshiya Sabha.

102. The Polgahawela pradeshiya Sabha.

103. The Ridigama Pradeshiya Sabha.

104. The Arachhikattuwa Pradeshiya Sabha.

105. The Chilaw Pradeshiya Sabha.

106. The Kalpitiya Pradeshiya Sabha.

107. The Nawagattegama Pradeshiya Sabha.

108. The Wanathawilluwa. Pradeshiya Sabha.

109. The Galenbindunuwewa Pradeshiya Sabha.

110. The Horowpotana Pradeshiya Sabha.

111. The ‘Kahatagasdigiliya Pradeshiya Sabha.

112. The Kebitigollewa Pradeshiya Sabha.

113. The Medawachchiya Pradeshiya Sabha.

114. The Mihintale Pradeshiya Sabha.

115. The Nochchiyagama Pradeshiya Sabha.

116. The Nuwaragam Palatha (Central) Pradeshiya Sabha.

117. The Nuwaragam Palatha (East) Pradeshiya Sabha.

118. The Rambewa Pradeshiya Sabha.

119. The Thirappane Pradeshiya, Sabha.

120. The Dimbulagala, Pradeshiya Sabha.

121. The Hingurakgoda Pradeshiya Sabha.

122. The Lankapura Pradeshiya Sabha.

123. The Thamankaduwa Pradeshiya Sabha.

124. The Bandarawela Pradeshiya Sabha.

125. The Ella Pradeshiya Sabha

126. The Hali-Ela Pradeshiya, Sabha

127. The Mahiyangana Pradeshiya, Sabha.

128. The Passara Pradeshiya Sabha.

129. The Ridimaliyadda’ Pradeshiya Sabha.

130. The Soranatota ,Pradeshiya Sabha.

131. The Uva paranagama Pradeshiya Sabha.

132. The Welimada Pradeshiya Sabha.

133. The Badalkumbura Pradeshiya Sabha.

134. The Buttala Pradeshiya Sabha.

135. The Moneragala Pradeshiya ,Sabha.

136. The Siyambalanduwa Pradeshiya Sabha.

137. The Thanamalwila Pradeshiya Sabha,.

138. The Ayagama Pradeshiya Sabha.

139. The Eheliyagoda Pradeshiya Sabha.

140. The Kalawana Pradeshiya Sabha.

141. The Kuruwita Pradeshiya Sabha.

142. The Pelmadulla Pradeshiya Sabha.

143. The Ratnapura Pradeshiya Sabha.

144. The Aranayaka Pradeshiya Sabha.

145. The Dehiowita Pradeshiya Sabha.

146. The Deraniyagala Pradeshiya Sabha.

147. The Galigomuwa Pradeshiya Sabha..

148. The Kegalla Pradeshiya Sabha.

149. The Mawanella Pradeshiya Sabha

150. The Rambukkana Pradeshiya Sabha.

151. The Ruwanwella Pradeshiya Sabha.

152. The Warakapola Pradeshiya Sabha.

153. The Yatiyantota Pradeshiya Sabha.


(Section 5)


1. The Jaffna Municipal Council

2. The Batticaloa Municipal Council

3. The Velvettithurai Urban Council

4. The Point-Pedro Urban Council

5. The Chavakachcheri Urban Council

6. The Vavuniya Urban Council

7. The Chavakachcheri Pradeshiya sabha

8. The Delft Pradeshiya Sabha

9. The Kayts Pradeshiya Sabha

10. The Nallur Pradeshiya Sabha

11. The Point-Pedro Pradeshiya Sabha .

12. The Vadamarachchi (South-West) Pradeshiya Sabha

13. The Valikamam (East) Pradeshiya Sabha

14. The Valikamam (North) Pradeshiya Sabha

15. The Valikamam (South) Pradeshiya Sabha

16. The Valikamam (South-West). Pradeshiya Sabha

17. The Valikamam (West) Pradeshiya Sabha

18. The Valanai Pradeshiya Sabha

19. The Karachchi Pradeshiya Sabha

20. The Pachchilaipalli Pradeshiya Sabha

21. The Poonakary Pradeshiya Sabha

22. The Mannar Pradeshiya Sabha

23. The Manthai (West) Pradeshiya Sabha

24. The Musali Pradeshiya Sabha

25. The Nanaddan Pradeshiya Sabha

26. The Vavuniya (North) Pradeshiya Sabha

27. The Vavuniya (South-Tamil) Pradeshiya Sabba

28. The Venkalacheddikulam Pradeshiya Sabha

29. The Manthai (East) Pradeshiya Sabha

30. The Maritime Pattu Pradeshiya Sabha

31. The Puthikudiyiruppu Pradeshiya Sabha

32. The Thunukkai Pradeshiya Sabha

33. The Eravur Pattu Pradeshiya Sabha

34. The Koralai (North) Pradeshiya Sabha

35. The Manmunai (South-West) Pradeshiya Sabha

36. The Manmunai (South and Eruvil Pattu) Pradeshiya Sabha.

37. The Manmunai (West) Pradeshiya Sabha

38. The Manmunai Pradeshiya Sabha

39. The Porativu Pattu Pradeshiya Sabha.

40. The Alayadiwembu pradeshiya Sabha

41. The Tirukkovil Pradeshiya Sabha

42. The Kuchchaveli Pradeshiya Sabha