Buddhist Temporalities (Amendment) Law

Buddhist Temporalities (Amendment) Law


BE it enacted by the National State Assembly of the Republic of Sri Lanka as follows:-
Short title.
1. This Law may be cited as the Buddhist Temporalities (Amendment) Law, No. 34 of 1973.
Amendment of section 41 of chapter 318.
2. Section 41 of the Buddhist Temporalities Ordinance is hereby amended by the insertion, immediately after subsection (6) thereof, of the following new subsections:-

” (6A) Where a copy of one of the said forms filed in such a, register kept by the Registrar-General is lost, damaged, illegible or in danger of becoming illegible and a duplicate of such copy is available in a register kept by the Mahanayaka Thera or Nayaka Thera of a Nikaya the Registrar-General may, after due inquiry, cause to be substituted therefor, a copy of such duplicate certified by him to have been made after verification with the register kept by such Mahanayaka Thera or Nayaka Thera and to be a true copy of such duplicate.
(6B) Where both the copy of such a form filed in a register kept by the Registrar-General and its duplicate filed in a register kept by the Mahanayaka Thera or Nayaka Thera of a Nikaya-

(a) are damaged or in danger of becoming illegible, the Registrar-General may, after such inquiry as he may think necessary, cause to be substituted therefor in his register a copy of such form bearing his certificate setting out the reasons for such substitution and the sources from which the particulars specified in such copy were obtained; or
(b) are lost or illegible, the Registrar-General may cause to be substituted therefor in his register a copy of such form, only after-

(i) he has made a full report to the appropriate District Court setting out the reasons for the proposed substitution, the particulars proposed to be substituted and the evidence upon which the particulars have been obtained; and
(ii) the District Court has, after holding such inquiry and giving such notice as the Court may consider requisite, authorized such substitution, as the Court may deem proper.

No stamp duty shall be payable on any proceedings before a District Court under this subsection.

(6C) Every copy certified in accordance with the provisions of subsection (6A) or subsection (6B) shall be deemed to be the original which it replaces.”.