
[Certified on 21st December, 2011]
Printed on the Order of Government
Published as a Supplement to Part II of the Gazette of the Democratic
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka of December 23, 2011
Price : Rs. 36.00 Postage : Rs. 20.00

Appropriation Act, No. 52 of 2011 1
[Certified on 21st December, 2011]
L.D.—O. 48 /2011.
BE it enacted by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka as follows :—
1. This Act may be cited as the Appropriation Short title.
Act, No. 52 of 2011.
2. (1) Without prejudice to any other law authorising any Appropriation
expenditure and subject to the provisions of subsection (4) of for financial
year, 2012.
this section, the expenditure of the Government which is
estimated will be rupees one thousand two hundred and eighty
four billion two hundred and eighty four million, four hundred
and seventy one thousand for the service of the period
beginning on January 1, 2012 and ending on December 31,
2012 (in this Act referred to as the “financial year 2012”), shall
be met —
(a) from payments which are hereby authorised to be made
out of the Consolidated Fund or any other fund or
moneys of or at the disposal of the Government; and
(b) from the proceeds of loans which are hereby authorised
to be raised whether in or outside Sri Lanka, for and on
behalf of the Government, so however that the
aggregate of such proceeds does not exceed rupees
one thousand one hundred and thirty nine billion.
2—PL 006319—3,990 (10/2011)
2 Appropriation Act, No. 52 of 2011
(2) The sum of rupees one thousand two hundred and
eighty four billion two hundred and eighty four million, four
hundred and seventy one thousand referred to in subsection
(1), may be expended as specified in the First Schedule to
this Act.
(3) The provisions of subsection (1) shall have effect without
prejudice to the provisions of any other written law, authorising
the raising of loans for and on behalf of the Government.
(4) The estimated expenditure of the Government
authorized by laws to be charged on the Consolidated
Fund, will be rupees nine hundred and thirty five billion
seven hundred and fifteen million five hundred and twenty
nine thousand, for the service of the period beginning on
January 1, 2012 and ending on December 31, 2012. The
expenditure Heads and the law under which such expenditure
is authorized to be made, are as specified in the Second
Schedule to the Act.
Financial 3. (1) The receipts of the Government during the
provisions in financial year 2012, from each activity specified in Column I
respect of certain
activities of the of the Third Schedule to this Act shall be credited to the
Government for account of such activity, but the aggregate of receipts so
the financial year credited shall not be less than the minimum limit specified in
2012. the corresponding entry in Column III of that Schedule. The
net surplus, if any, of such activity, shall be paid to the
Consolidated Fund before the expiry of six months after the
close of the financial year 2012.
(2) For the purpose of determining the net surplus under
subsection (1), the following charges shall be set off against
the revenue of each activity :—
(a) the working, establishment and other expenses of
the activity whether paid or accrued, properly
chargeable to the revenue of the activity; and
(b) provision to cover the depreciation of the movable
and immovable property of the activity.
(3) The expenditure incurred by the Government during
the financial year 2012 on each activity specified in
Column I of the Third Schedule to this Act, shall be paid out
Appropriation Act, No. 52 of 2011 3
of the receipts of the Government from such activity during
that financial year, but such expenditure shall not exceed the
maximum limit specified in the corresponding entry in
Column II of that Schedule.
(4) The debit balance outstanding at the end of the
financial year 2012 of any activity specified in Column I of
the Third Schedule to this Act, shall not exceed the maximum
limit specified in the corresponding entry in Column IV
ofthat Schedule and the total liabilities of that activity at the
end of that financial year, shall not exceed the maximum
limit specified in the corresponding entry in Column V of
that Schedule.
4. Whenever at any time during the financial year 2012, Payment from
the receipts of the Government from any activity specified the Consolidated
in Column I of the Third Schedule to this Act are Fund or any
other fund or
insufficientto meet the expenditure incurred by the
moneys of or at
Government on such activity, the Minister may from time to the disposal of
time by Order, direct that such sums as he may deem necessary the Government,
to meet such expenditure shall be payable by way of of advances for
advances, out of the Consolidated Fund or any other fund or expenditure on
the activities
moneys of or at the disposal of the Government, so however
referred to in
that the aggregate of the sums so advanced shall not exceed section 3, during
the maximum limit of expenditure specified in the the financial year
corresponding entry in Column II of that Schedule. Any sum 2012.
so advanced in respect of such activity shall be refunded to
the Consolidated Fund in such manner, as the Minister may
by Order direct.
5. (1) Any moneys which by virtue of the provisions of Power to transfer
the First Schedule to this Act, have been allocated to unexpended
Recurrent Expenditure under any Programme appearing under moneys allocated
to Recurrent
any Head specified in that Schedule, but have not been
Expenditure, to
expended or are not likely to be expended, may be transferred another
to the allocation of Capital Expenditure within that allocation within
Programme or to the allocation of Recurrent Expenditure or the same
Capital Expenditure under any other Programme within that Programme or to
Head, by Order of the Secretary to the Treasury or by Order
either of a Deputy Secretary to the Treasury or the Director under the same
General of the National Budget Department, who may be Head of
authorized in that behalf by the Secretary to the Treasury. expenditure.
4 Appropriation Act, No. 52 of 2011
(2) No moneys allocated to Capital Expenditure under
any Programme appearing under any Head specified in the
First Schedule to this Act, shall be transferred out of that
Programme or to any allocation of Recurrent Expenditure of
that Programme.
Money allocated 6. (1) Any money allocated to Recurrent Expenditure
to the or Capital Expenditure under the “Development Activities”
Activities” Programme appearing under the Head “Department of
Programme may National Budget” specified in the First Schedule, may be
be transferred to transferred subject to guidelines stipulated in printed Budget
any other Estimates approved by Parliament for the relevent year, to
under any other any other Programme under any other Head in that Schedule,
Head. by Order of the Secretary to the Treasury or by Order either of
a Deputy Secretary to the Treasury or the Director General of
the National Budget Department, who may be authorized in
that behalf by the Secretary to the Treasury. The money so
transferred shall be deemed to be a supplementary allocation
made to the particular Ministry, and a report containing the
amount of money so transferred and the reasons for the transfer,
shall be submitted to Parliament within two months of the
date of the said transfer.
(2) Details of all transfers made under subsection (1),
including the reasons for such transfers, shall be incorporated
in the reports relating to the Government’s fiscal performance,
which are required to be tabled in Parliament under the Fiscal
Management (Responsibility) Act, No. 3 of 2003.
Power of 7. Where the Minister is satisfied —
Minister to limit
(a) that receipts from taxes and other sources will be less
authorized. than the amounts anticipated to finance authorised
expenditure ; or
(b) that amounts originally appropriated for a particular
purpose or purposes are no longer required,
he may with the approval of the Government, withdraw in
whole or in part any amounts previously released for
Appropriation Act, No. 52 of 2011 5
expenditure under the authority of a warrant issued by him,
from the Consolidated Fund or from any other fund or moneys
of or at the disposal of the Government, to meet any authorized
8. (1) The Minister with the approval of the Government Power of
may, on or before May 31, 2013, by Order vary or alter— Minister to vary
the maximum
and minimum
(a) any of the maximum limits specified in Column II, limits specified
Column IV and Column V ; in the Third
Schedule to this
(b) the minimum limits specified in Column III,
of the Third Schedule to this Act.
(2) No Order made under subsection (1) shall have effect,
unless it has been approved by Parliament by Resolution.
(3) Any Order made under subsection (1) shall, if so
expressed therein, be deemed to have had effect from such
date prior to the date of making such Order, as may be specified
9. Parliament may by Resolution amend the Third Power of
Schedule to this Act, by adding to the appropriate Columns Parliament to
amend the Third
of that Schedule any activity and providing for —
Schedule to this
(a) all or any of the maximum limits relating to such
(b) the minimum limit relating to such activity.
10. In the event of any inconsistency between the Sinhala Sinhala text to
and Tamil texts of this Act, the Sinhala text shall prevail. prevail in case of

Head FIRST SCHEDULE — ESTIMATE — 2012 Recurrent Capital
No. Sums Payable for General Services Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Head 1 – 22
Recurrent 7,418,273,000
Capital 4,300,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 1 His Excellency the President
Programme 01 Operational Activities 2,850,100,000 1,367,600,000
Programme 02 Development Activities — 1,944,000,000
Head 2 Office of the Prime Minister
Programme 01 Operational Activities 185,725,000 71,900,000
Head 3 Secretariat for Special Functions (Senior Ministers)
Programme 01 Operational Activities 253,604,000 39,500,000
Head 4 Judges of the Superior Courts
Programme 01 Operational Activities 146,520,000 34,500,000
Head 5 Office of the Cabinet of Ministers
Programme 01 Operational Activities 63,820,000 19,000,000
Head 6 Public Service Commission
Programme 01 Operational Activities 101,950,000 7,600,000

Head 7 Judicial Service Commission
Programme 01 Operational Activities 30,310,000 50,500,000
Head 8 National Police Commission
Programme 01 Operational Activities 32,901,000 200,000
Head 9 Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Programme 01 Operational Activities 12,555,000 150,000
Head 10 Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption
Programme 01 Operational Activities 119,600,000 91,000,000
Head 11 Office of the Finance Commission
Programme 01 Operational Activities 35,250,000 32,400,000
Head 12 National Education Commission
Programme 01 Operational Activities 25,000,000 300,000
Head 13 Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka
Programme 01 Operational Activities 128,275,000 2,950,000
Head 14 Department of Attorney General
Programme 01 Operational Activities 371,725,000 18,200,000
Head 15 Department of Legal Draftsman
Programme 01 Operational Activities 51,000,000 82,600,000
Head 16 Parliament
Programme 01 Operational Activities 1,575,613,000 125,000,000
Head 17 Office of the Leader of the House of Parliament
Programme 01 Operational Activities 22,950,000 1,200,000

Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Head 18 Office of the Chief Govt. Whip of Parliament
Programme 01 Operational Activities 29,375,000 850,000
Head 19 Office of the Leader of the Opposition of Parliament
Programme 01 Operational Activities 54,615,000 10,700,000
Head 20 Department of Elections
Programme 01 Operational Activities 689,125,000 23,000,000
Head 21 Auditor General
Programme 01 Operational Activities 632,050,000 376,750,000
Head 22 Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration
Programme 01 Operational Activities 6,210,000 100,000
Ministry of Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs
Recurrent 843,000,000
Capital 1,030,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 101 Minister of Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs
Programme 01 Operational Activities 91,695,000 286,730,000
Programme 02 Development Activities — 385,470,000
Head 201 Department of Buddhist Affairs
Programme 01 Operational Activities 28,300,000 127,400,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 509,210,000 —
Head 202 Department of Muslim Religious and Cultural Affairs
Programme 02 Development Activities 49,820,000 95,000,000

Head 203 Department of Christian Religious Affairs
Programme 02 Development Activities 69,375,000 26,350,000
Head 204 Department of Hindu Religious and Cultural Affairs
Programme 02 Development Activities 66,205,000 108,170,000
Head 205 Department of Public Trustee
Programme 01 Operational Activities 28,395,000 880,000
Ministry of Finance and Planning
Recurrent 68,851,804,000
Capital 50,264,370,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 102 Minister of Finance and Planning
Programme 01 Operational Activities 628,100,000 234,100,000
Programme 02 Development Activities — 1,300,000,000
Head 237 Department of National Planning
Programme 01 Operational Activities 55,950,000 108,500,000
Head 238 Department of Fiscal Policy
Programme 01 Operational Activities 637,700,000 700,000
Head 239 Department of External Resources
Programme 01 Operational Activities 167,100,000 11,700,000
Head 240 Department of National Budget
Programme 01 Operational Activities 71,345,000 1,007,450,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 51,800,000,000 21,100,000,000
Head 241 Department of Public Enterprises
Programme 01 Operational Activities 43,975,000 3,000,000

Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Head 242 Department of Management Services
Programme 01 Operational Activities 32,800,000 1,450,000
Head 243 Department of Development Finance
Programme 01 Operational Activities 366,225,000 700,000
Programme 02 Development Activities — 2,378,000,000
Head 244 Department of Trade Tariff and Investment Policy
Programme 01 Operational Activities 830,434,000 900,000
Head 245 Department of Public Finance
Programme 01 Operational Activities 136,675,000 1,200,000
Head 246 Department of Inland Revenue
Programme 01 Operational Activities 1,399,600,000 46,900,000
Head 247 Sri Lanka Customs
Programme 01 Operational Activities 1,334,450,000 330,500,000
Head 248 Department of Excise
Programme 01 Operational Activities 414,080,000 67,000,000
Head 249 Department of Treasury Operations
Programme 01 Operational Activities 9,998,010,000 20,005,300,000
Programme 02 Development Activities — 2,799,000,000
Head 250 Department of State Accounts
Programme 01 Operational Activities 37,150,000 12,700,000
Head 251 Department of Valuation
Programme 01 Operational Activities 218,610,000 19,000,000

Head 252 Department of Census and Statistics
Programme 01 Operational Activities 545,400,000 824,420,000
Head 280 Department of Project Management and Monitoring
Programme 02 Development Activities 64,130,000 4,700,000
Head 296 Department of Import and Export Control
Programme 01 Operational Activities 38,500,000 5,500,000
Head 323 Department of Legal Affairs
Programme 01 Operational Activities 9,670,000 650,000
Head 324 Department of Management Audit
Programme 01 Operational Activities 21,900,000 1,000,000
Ministry of Defence and Urban Development
Recurrent 215,427,000,000
Capital 15,816,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 103 Minister of Defence and Urban Development
Programme 01 Operational Activities 6,336,485,000 340,640,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 605,000,000 7,029,000,000
Head 222 Sri Lanka Army
Programme 01 Operational Activities 111,770,950,000 1,399,000,000
Head 223 Sri Lanka Navy
Programme 01 Operational Activities 30,965,980,000 2,728,860,000
Head 224 Sri Lanka Air Force
Programme 01 Operational Activities 20,612,975,000 2,353,500,000
Head 225 Department of Police
Programme 01 Operational Activities 35,044,000,000 997,000,000

Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Head 226 Department of Immigration and Emigration
Programme 01 Operational Activities 614,800,000 59,600,000
Head 227 Department of Registration of Persons
Programme 01 Operational Activities 203,440,000 32,050,000
Head 291 Department of Coast Conservation
Programme 01 Operational Activities 127,210,000 770,000,000
Head 320 Department of Civil Security
Programme 01 Operational Activities 9,116,520,000 59,700,000
Head 325 Department of Sir Lanka Coast Guard
Programme 01 Operational Activities 29,640,000 46,650,000
Ministry of Economic Development
Recurrent 18,547,440,000
Capital 86,023,890,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 105 Minister of Economic Development
Programme 01 Operational Activities 1,130,650,000 370,750,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 6,986,000,000 84,489,840,000
Head 218 Department of Commissioner General of Samurdhi
Programme 01 Operational Activities 10,093,350,000 38,400,000
Head 294 Department of National Zoological Gardens
Programme 02 Development Activities 150,110,000 763,425,000

Head 305 Department of Up-Country Peasantry Rehabilitation
Programme 02 Development Activities 16,115,000 1,225,000
Head 322 Department of National Botanical Gardens
Programme 02 Development Activities 171,215,000 360,250,000
Ministry of Disaster Management
Recurrent 635,000,000
Capital 784,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 106 Minister of Disaster Management
Programme 01 Operational Activities 100,750,000 70,160,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 352,600,000 369,970,000
Head 304 Department of Meteorology
Programme 02 Development Activities 181,650,000 343,870,000
Ministry of Postal Services
Recurrent 7,853,000,000
Capital 346,200,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 108 Minister of Postal Services
Programme 01 Operational Activities 77,980,000 15,700,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 4,000,000 196,000,000
Head 308 Department of Posts
Programme 01 Operational Activities 7,771,020,000 134,500,000

Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Ministry of Justice
Recurrent 3,418,000,000
Capital 819,398,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 110 Minister of Justice
Programme 01 Operational Activities 312,605,000 40,795,000
Head 228 Courts Administration
Programme 01 Operational Activities 3,005,565,000 671,693,000
Head 231 Department of Debt Conciliation Board
Programme 01 Operational Activities 8,790,000 610,000
Head 233 Department of Government Analyst
Programme 01 Operational Activities 80,165,000 105,300,000
Head 235 Department of Law Commission
Programme 01 Operational Activities 10,875,000 1,000,000
Ministry of Health
Recurrent 54,999,998,000
Capital 19,500,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 111 Minister of Health
Programme 01 Operational Activities 47,826,732,000 798,000,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 7,173,266,000 18,702,000,000

Ministry of External Affairs
Recurrent 5,700,400,000
Capital 939,700,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 112 Minister of External Affairs
Programme 01 Operational Activities 85,850,000 5,700,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 5,614,550,000 934,000,000
Ministry of Transport
Recurrent 13,540,000,000
Capital 40,000,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 114 Minister of Transport
Programme 01 Operational Activities 119,910,000 8,800,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 3,190,000,000 6,395,200,000
Head 306 Department of Sri Lanka Railways
Programme 02 Development Activities 9,012,790,000 32,847,800,000
Head 307 Department of Motor Traffic
Programme 02 Development Activities 1,217,300,000 748,200,000
Ministry of Petroleum Industries
Recurrent 101,000,000
Capital 7,450,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 115 Minister of Petroleum Industries
Programme 01 Operational Activities 101,000,000 7,450,000

Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Ministry of Co-operatives and Internal Trade
Recurrent 707,000,000
Capital 600,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 116 Minister of Co-operatives and Internal Trade
Programme 01 Operational Activities 397,633,000 267,645,000
Programme 02 Development Activities — 243,000,000
Head 298 Department of Measurement Units, Standards and Services
Programme 01 Operational Activities 59,055,000 40,500,000
Head 300 Department of Food Commissioner
Programme 01 Operational Activities 189,637,000 32,475,000
Head 301 Department of Co-operative Development (Registrar of Co-operative Societies)
Programme 01 Operational Activities 49,615,000 16,145,000
Head 302 Co-operative Employees Commission
Programme 01 Operational Activities 11,060,000 235,000
Ministry of Ports and Highways
Recurrent 200,300,000
Capital 144,367,230,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 117 Minister of Ports and Highways
Programme 01 Operational Activities 200,300,000 9,230,000
Programme 02 Development Activities — 144,358,000,000

Ministry of Agriculture
Recurrent 2,381,120,000
Capital 3,707,647,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 118 Minister of Agriculture
Programme 01 Operational Activities 118,540,000 20,700,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 312,290,000 2,178,947,000
Head 285 Department of Agriculture
Programme 01 Operational Activities 212,470,000 28,300,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 1,737,820,000 1,479,700,000
Ministry of Power and Energy
Recurrent 1,083,340,000
Capital 32,500,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 119 Minister of Power and Energy
Programme 01 Operational Activities 1,083,340,000 733,650,000
Programme 02 Development Activities — 31,766,350,000
Ministry of Child Development and Women’s Affairs
Recurrent 734,000,000
Capital 215,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 120 Minister of Child Development and Women’s Affairs
Programme 01 Operational Activities 275,740,000 122,900,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 293,480,000 84,700,000

Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Head 217 Department of Probation and Child Care Services
Programme 01 Operational Activities 13,325,000 600,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 151,455,000 6,800,000
Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs
Recurrent 114,823,815,000
Capital 2,000,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 121 Minister of Public Adminsitration and Home Affairs
Programme 01 Operational Activities 485,725,000 355,500,000
Head 253 Department of Pensions
Programme 01 Operational Activities 104,069,625,000 17,000,000
Head 254 Department of Registrar General
Programme 01 Operational Activities 616,400,000 46,750,000
Head 255 District Secretariat, Colombo
Programme 01 Operational Activities 444,550,000 215,000,000
Head 256 District Secretariat, Gampaha
Programme 01 Operational Activities 583,375,000 27,950,000
Head 257 District Secretariat, Kalutara
Programme 01 Operational Activities 481,725,000 61,300,000
Head 258 District Secretariat, Kandy
Programme 01 Operational Activities 638,025,000 86,200,000

Head 259 District Secretariat, Matale
Programme 01 Operational Activities 337,825,000 33,350,000
Head 260 District Secretariat, Nuwara-Eliya.
Programme 01 Operational Activities 285,850,000 58,800,000
Head 261 District Secretariat, Galle
Programme 01 Operational Activities 611,975,000 59,800,000
Head 262 District Secretariat ,Matara
Programme 01 Operational Activities 489,200,000 82,600,000
Head 263 District Secretariat , Hambantota
Programme 01 Operational Activities 558,180,000 52,850,000
Head 264 District Secretariat/ Kachcheri – Jaffna
Programme 01 Operational Activities 365,660,000 43,200,000
Head 265 District Secretariat/ Kachcheri – Mannar
Programme 01 Operational Activities 113,700,000 22,850,000
Head 266 District Secretariat/ Kachcheri – Vavuniya
Programme 01 Operational Activities 119,500,000 36,000,000
Head 267 District Secretariat/ Kachcheri – Mullaitivu
Programme 01 Operational Activities 109,450,000 47,500,000
Head 268 District Secretariat/ Kachcheri – Killinochchi
Programme 01 Operational Activities 100,175,000 49,100,000
Head 269 District Secretariat/ Kachcheri – Batticaloa.
Programme 01 Operational Activities 290,450,000 32,450,000

Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Head 270 District Secretariat, Ampara
Programme 01 Operational Activities 484,900,000 71,600,000
Head 271 District Secretariat/ Kachcheri – Trincomalee
Programme 01 Operational Activities 214,150,000 87,000,000
Head 272 District Secretariat, Kurunegala
Programme 01 Operational Activities 913,050,000 32,300,000
Head 273 District Secretariat, Puttalam
Programme 01 Operational Activities 378,500,000 102,200,000
Head 274 District Secretariat, Anuradhapura
Programme 01 Operational Activities 470,975,000 61,100,000
Head 275 District Secretariat – Polonnaruwa
Programme 01 Operational Activities 221,950,000 47,500,000
Head 276 District Secretariat – Badulla
Programme 01 Operational Activities 398,075,000 62,650,000
Head 277 District Secretariat, Moneragala
Programme 01 Operational Activities 271,300,000 94,400,000
Head 278 District Secretariat, Ratnapura
Programme 01 Operational Activities 419,000,000 65,800,000
Head 279 District Secretariat, Kegalle
Programme 01 Operational Activities 350,525,000 47,250,000

Ministry of Mass Media and Information
Recurrent 1,658,000,000
Capital 447,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 122 Minister of Mass Media and Information
Programme 01 Operational Activities 122,870,000 14,950,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 196,900,000 250,950,000
Head 210 Department of Information
Programme 01 Operational Activities 158,490,000 24,350,000
Head 211 Department of Government Printer
Programme 01 Operational Activities 1,179,740,000 156,750,000
Ministry of Construction, Engineering Services,
Housing and Common Amenities
Recurrent 712,485,000
Capital 2,075,120,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 123 Minister of Construction, Engineering Services, Housing and Common Amenities
Programme 01 Operational Activities 185,385,000 9,375,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 131,500,000 2,030,200,000
Head 309 Department of Buildings
Programme 01 Operational Activities 63,350,000 3,370,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 139,675,000 16,775,000
Head 310 Government Factory
Programme 01 Operational Activities 26,440,000 4,675,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 22,000,000 9,550,000

Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Head 311 Department of National Physical Planning
Programme 01 Operational Activities 144,135,000 1,175,000
Ministry of Social Services
Recurrent 914,000,000
Capital 204,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 124 Minister of Social Services
Programme 01 Operational Activities 158,406,000 12,950,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 458,805,000 160,400,000
Head 216 Department of Social Services
Programme 01 Operational Activities 90,149,000 17,850,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 206,640,000 12,800,000
Ministry of Education
Recurrent 27,250,000,000
Capital 6,016,010,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 126 Minister of Education
Programme 01 Operational Activities 523,340,000 84,185,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 24,949,575,000 5,850,075,000
Head 212 Department of Examinations
Programme 02 Development Activities 1,747,040,000 20,950,000
Head 213 Department of Educational Publications
Programme 02 Development Activities 30,045,000 60,800,000

Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations
Recurrent 1,120,062,000
Capital 400,030,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 127 Minister of Labour and Labour Relations
Programme 01 Operational Activities 91,615,000 30,155,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 64,840,000 7,510,000
Head 221 Department of Labour
Programme 01 Operational Activities 503,316,000 103,500,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 460,291,000 258,865,000
Ministry of Traditional Industries and Small Enterprises Development
Recurrent 522,447,000
Capital 300,475,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 128 Minister of Traditional Industries and Small Enterprises Development
Programme 01 Operational Activities 108,647,000 6,475,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 413,800,000 294,000,000
Ministry of Local Government and Provincial Councils
Recurrent 95,059,139,000
Capital 34,714,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 130 Minister of Local Government and Provincial Councils
Programme 01 Operational Activities 181,660,000 58,500,000
Programme 02 Development Activities — 6,917,000,000

Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Head 312 Western Provincial Council
Programme 01 Operational Activities 9,011,251,000 —
Programme 02 Development Activities — 2,417,000,000
Head 313 Central Provincial Council
Programme 01 Operational Activities 13,762,746,000 —
Programme 02 Development Activities — 3,413,000,000
Head 314 Southern Provincial Council
Programme 01 Operational Activities 11,802,989,000 —
Programme 02 Development Activities — 2,165,000,000
Head 315 Northern Provincial Council
Programme 01 Operational Activities 8,556,785,000 —
Programme 02 Development Activities — 3,862,000,000
Head 316 North Western Provincial Council
Programme 01 Operational Activities 12,651,070,000 —
Programme 02 Development Activities — 2,156,000,000
Head 317 North Central Provincial Council
Programme 01 Operational Activities 7,005,422,000 —
Programme 02 Development Activities — 3,099,500,000
Head 318 Uva Provincial Council
Programme 01 Operational Activities 9,458,826,000 —
Programme 02 Development Activities — 3,437,000,000
Head 319 Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council
Programme 01 Operational Activities 11,243,324,000 —
Programme 02 Development Activities — 3,005,000,000

Head 321 Eastern Provincial Council
Programme 01 Operational Activities 11,385,066,000 —
Programme 02 Development Activities — 4,184,000,000
Ministry of Technology and Research
Recurrent 1,149,000,000
Capital 2,027,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 133 Minister of Technology and Research
Programme 01 Operational Activities 165,995,000 32,850,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 983,005,000 1,994,150,000
Ministry of National Languages and Social Integration
Recurrent 253,000,000
Capital 183,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 134 Minister of National Languages and Social Integration
Programme 01 Operational Activities 119,550,000 130,950,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 67,350,000 38,550,000
Head 236 Department of Official Languages
Programme 01 Operational Activities 66,100,000 13,500,000
Ministry of Plantation Industries
Recurrent 1,881,587,000
Capital 1,194,300,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 135 Minister of Plantation Industries
Programme 01 Operational Activities 109,095,000 20,550,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 847,692,000 1,053,450,000

Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Head 293 Department of Rubber Development
Programme 02 Development Activities 924,800,000 120,300,000
Ministry of Sports
Recurrent 552,000,000
Capital 1,542,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 136 Minister of Sports
Programme 01 Operational Activities 137,938,000 40,630,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 132,527,000 232,200,000
Head 219 Department of Sports Development
Programme 01 Operational Activities 80,495,000 11,220,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 201,040,000 1,257,950,000
Ministry of Indigenous Medicine
Recurrent 787,000,000
Capital 477,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 138 Minister of Indigenous Medicine
Programme 01 Operational Activities 186,852,000 91,850,000
Programme 02 Development Activities — 111,900,000
Head 220 Department of Ayurveda
Programme 01 Operational Activities 80,963,000 10,100,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 519,185,000 263,150,000

Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development
Recurrent 821,005,000
Capital 2,248,150,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 139 Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development
Programme 01 Operational Activities 137,380,000 47,950,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 458,000,000 2,117,000,000
Head 290 Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Programme 01 Operational Activities 225,625,000 83,200,000
Ministry of Livestock and Rural Community Development
Recurrent 449,251,000
Capital 2,239,130,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 140 Minister of Livestock and Rural Community Development
Programme 01 Operational Activities 157,780,000 20,370,000
Programme 02 Development Activities — 1,690,310,000
Head 292 Department of Animal Production and Health
Programme 01 Operational Activities 291,471,000 86,350,000
Programme 02 Development Activities — 442,100,000
Ministry of National Heritage
Recurrent 754,000,000
Capital 822,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 142 Minister of National Heritage
Programme 01 Operational Activities 90,880,000 15,080,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 23,340,000 228,615,000

Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Head 207 Department of Archaeology
Programme 01 Operational Activities 56,875,000 10,720,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 424,535,000 174,420,000
Head 208 Department of National Museums
Programme 01 Operational Activities 15,825,000 2,550,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 85,600,000 73,700,000
Head 209 Department of National Archives
Programme 01 Operational Activities 20,430,000 9,275,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 36,515,000 307,640,000
Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs
Recurrent 322,000,000
Capital 36,800,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 143 Minister of Parliamentary Affairs
Programme 01 Operational Activities 322,000,000 36,800,000
Ministry of Re-settlement
Recurrent 272,555,000
Capital 209,050,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 145 Minister of Re-settlement
Programme 01 Operational Activities 138,020,000 15,950,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 134,535,000 193,100,000

Ministry of Industry and Commerce
Recurrent 751,000,000
Capital 1,249,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 149 Minister of Industry and Commerce
Programme 01 Operational Activities 171,725,000 17,520,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 382,125,000 1,196,400,000
Head 295 Department of Commerce
Programme 01 Operational Activities 89,305,000 8,980,000
Head 297 Department of the Registrar of Companies
Programme 01 Operational Activities 27,495,000 —
Head 299 National Intellectual Property Office of Sri Lanka
Programme 01 Operational Activities 18,500,000 —
Head 303 Department of Textile Industries
Programme 02 Development Activities 61,850,000 26,100,000
Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management
Recurrent 3,335,040,000
Capital 32,500,420,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 152 Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Management
Programme 01 Operational Activities 89,865,000 14,370,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 1,942,800,000 25,332,600,000

Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Head 282 Department of Irrigation
Programme 01 Operational Activities 317,750,000 40,350,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 984,625,000 7,113,100,000
Ministry of Land and Land Development
Recurrent 2,393,000,000
Capital 2,814,580,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 153 Minister of Land and Land Development
Programme 01 Operational Activities 125,158,000 15,620,000
Programme 02 Development Activities — 2,530,000,000
Head 286 Department of Land Commissioner General
Programme 02 Development Activities 179,120,000 53,100,000
Head 287 Department of Land Settlement
Programme 02 Development Activities 161,700,000 4,900,000
Head 288 Department of Surveyor-General
Programme 01 Operational Activities 142,940,000 73,750,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 1,627,712,000 79,410,000
Head 327 Department of Land Use Policy Planning
Programme 02 Development Activities 156,370,000 57,800,000
Ministry of Yourth Affairs and Skills Development
Recurrent 3,917,095,000
Capital 4,700,050,000

Made up as follows :—
Head 156 Minister of Yourth Affairs and Skills Development
Programme 01 Operational Activities 124,690,000 25,800,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 2,689,920,000 4,364,900,000
Head 215 Department of Technical Education and Training
Programme 01 Operational Activities 116,205,000 14,700,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 986,280,000 294,650,000
Ministry of Environment
Recurrent 1,400,300,000
Capital 2,017,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 160 Minister of Environment
Programme 01 Operational Activities 178,800,000 22,750,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 371,800,000 1,581,000,000
Head 283 Department of Forests
Programme 01 Operational Activities 849,700,000 413,250,000
Ministry of Water Supply and Drainage
Recurrent 156,375,000
Capital 33,000,150,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 166 Minister of Water Supply and Drainage
Programme 01 Operational Activities 106,375,000 8,250,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 50,000,000 32,991,900,000

Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Ministry of Higher Education
Recurrent 15,716,000,000
Capital 8,754,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 171 Minister of Higher Education
Programme 01 Operational Activities 337,000,000 373,125,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 579,000,000 2,030,875,000
Head 214 University Grants Commission
Programme 01 operational Activities 14,800,000,000 6,350,000,000
Ministry of Public Management Reforms
Recurrent 86,050,000
Capital 100,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 173 Minister of Public Management Reforms
Programme 01 Operational Activities 86,050,000 100,000,000
Ministry of Rehabilitation and Prison Reforms
Recurrent 3,769,000,000
Capital 553,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 174 Minister of Rehabilitation and Prison Reforms
Programme 01 Operational Activities 168,615,000 104.450,000

Head 232 Department of Prisons
Programme 01 Operational Activities 3,532,555,000 428,000,000
Head 326 Department of Community Based Corrections
Programme 01 Operational Activities 67,830,000 20,550,000
Ministry of State Resources and Enterprise Development
Recurrent 106,515,000
Capital 104,600,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 175 Minister of State Resources and Enterprise Development
Programme 01 Operational Activities 106,515,000 24,600,000
Programme 02 Development Activities — 80,000,000
Ministry of Civil Aviation
Recurrent 86,715,000
Capital 12,006,550,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 176 Minister of Civil Aviation
Programme 01 Operational Activities 86,715,000 4,550,000
Programme 02 Development Activities — 12,002,000,000
Ministry of Culture and the Arts
Recurrent 810,000,000
Capital 703,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 177 Minister of Culture and the Arts
Programme 01 Operational Activities 110,230,000 15,550,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 426,500,000 565,950,000

Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Head 206 Department of Cultural Affairs
Programme 01 Operational Activities 62,025,000 5,250,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 211,245,000 116,250,000
Ministry of Coconut Development and Janatha Estate Development
Recurrent 563,690,000
Capital 1,200,100,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 178 Minister of Coconut Development and Janatha Estate Development
Programme 01 Operational Activities 51,190,000 14,100,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 512,500,000 1,186,000,000
Ministry of Agrarian Services & Wildlife
Recurrent 37,540,585,000
Capital 1,437,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 179 Minister of Agrarian Services & Wildlife
Programme 01 Operational Activities 63,905,000 12,800,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 33,854,460,000 132,750,000
Head 281 Department of Agrarian Development
Programme 01 Operational Activities 200,450,000 43,500,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 2,965,600,000 535,600,000
Head 284 Department of Wildlife Conservation
Programme 01 Operational Activities 456,170,000 712,350,000

Ministry of Minor Export Crop Promotion
Recurrent 442,620,000
Capital 281,200,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 180 Minister of Minor Export Crop Promotion
Programme 01 Operational Activities 65,160,000 25,400,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 60,000,000 45,000,000
Head 289 Department of Export Agriculture
Programme 02 Development Activities 317,460,000 210,800,000
Ministry of Productivity Promotion
Recurrent 259,000,000
Capital 105,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 181 Minister of Productivity Promotion
Programme 01 Operational Activities 37,860,000 11,550,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 34,590,000 52,745,000
Head 328 Department of Man Power and Employment
Programme 01 Operational Activities 186,550,000 40,705,000
Ministry of Foreign Employment Promotion and Welfare
Recurrent 82,175,000
Capital 310,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 182 Minister of Foreign Employment Promotion and Welfare
Programme 01 Operational Activities 41,475,000 8,300,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 40,700,000 301,700,000

Head Recurrent Capital
No. Expenditure Expenditure
Rs. Rs.
Ministry of Public Relations and Public Affairs
Recurrent 49,000,000
Capital 110,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 183 Minister of Public Relations and Public Affairs
Programme 01 Operational Activities 49,000,000 110,000,000
Ministry of Private Transport Services
Recurrent 479,000,000
Capital 229,000,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 184 Minister of Private Transport Services
Programme 01 Operational Activities 51,000,000 67,000,000
Programme 02 Development Activities 428,000,000 162,000,000
Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology
Recurrent 59,290,000
Capital 9,400,000
Made up as follows :—
Head 185 Minister of Telecommunication and Information Technology
Programme 01 Operational Activities 59,290,000 9,400,000

Expenditure of the Government, Authorised by Law and to be Charged on the Consolidated Fund
Unit, Ministry/Department or Law under which Expenditure Programme Recurrent Capital Total
Head Institution by whom expenditure is
No. expenditure is incurred authorised Rs. Rs. Rs.
1 His Excellency the President Article 36 of the Constitution Programme 01- 1,470,000 — 1,470,000
4 Judges of the Superior Courts Article 108 of the Constitution Programme 01- 28,000,000 — 28,000,000
6 Public Service Commission Chapter IX of the Constitution Programme 01- 3,660,000 — 3,660,000
7 Judicial Service Commission Chapter XV A of the Programme 01- 1,227,000 — 1,227,000
Constitution Operational
8 National Police Commission Chapter XV III A of the Programme 01- 3,113,000 — 3,113,000
Constitution Operational

Unit, Ministry/Department or Law under which Expenditure Programme Recurrent Capital Total
Head Institution by whom expenditure is
No. expenditure is incurred authorised Rs. Rs. Rs.
10 Commission to Investigate Commission to Investigate Programme 01- 2,400,000 — 2,400,000
Allegations of Bribery or Allegations of Bribery or Operational
Corruption Corruption Commission Activities
Act No. 19 of 1994
16 Parliament Article 65 of the Constitution Programme 01- 1,237,000 — 1,237,000
20 Department of Elections Article 103 of the Constitution Programme 01- 3,098,000 — 3,098,000
21 Auditor General Article 153 of the Constitution Programme 01- 742,000 — 742,000
22 Office of the Parliamentary Article 156 of the Constitution Programme 01- 780,000 — 780,000
Commissioner for Operational
Administration Activities
111 Ministry of Health Medical Ordinance (Chp. 105) Programme 01- 2,000 — 2,000

239 Department of External The Bretton Woods Programme 01- 79,800,000 460,000,000 539,800,000
Resources Agreement (Special Provisions) Operational
Act, No. 10 of 1978 Activities
249 Department of Treasury Ceylon Development Loans Programme 01- 364,000,000,000 550,000,000,000 914,000,000,000
Act (Chp. 407), National Activities
Development Loan Ordinance
(Chp. 408), National
Development Loan Act
(Chp. 409), Registered Stock
and Securities Ordinance,
Foreign Loans Act No. 29
of 1957 (as amended)
253 Department of Pensions Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Programme 01- 21,130,000,000 — 21,130,000,000
Fund Ordinance No. 01 of 1898Operational
(Chp. 431), Widowers and Activities
Orphans’ Pensions Act
No. 24 of 1983,
Widows’ and Orphans’
Pension Scheme(Armed Forces)
Act No. 18 of 1970, School
Teachers Pension Act No. 44
of 1953 (Chp. 432)

SRL Ministries / Departments Item Activities of the Government Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
No. No. Limits of Advance Account Activities—2012Limits of Limits of Limits of Limits of
Expenditure Receipts to be Debit Balance Liabilities
of Activities Credited to the of Activities of Activities
of the Accounts of of the of the
Government Activities of Government Government
SRL Ministries / Departments Item Activities of the Government Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
the Government
No. No. Limits of Limits of Limits of Limits of
ExpenditureRs. Receipts to beRs. Debit BalanceRs. LiabilitiesRs.
of Activities Credited to the of Activities of Activities
of the Accounts of of the of the
Government Activities of Government Government
the Government
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
1 His Excellency the President 00101 Advances to Public Officers 20,000,000 12,000,000 90,000,000 —
2 Office of the Prime Minister 00201 Advances to Public Officers 7,000,000 3,200,000 23,600,000 —
3 Secretariat for Special 00301 Advances to Public Officers 2,500,000 600,000 8,000,000 —
Functions (Senior Ministers)
4 Judges of the Superior Courts 00401 Advances to Public Officers 1,200,000 1,200,000 10,000,000 —
5 Office of the Cabinet of 00501 Advances to Public Officers 2,600,000 2,000,000 11,000,000 —
6 Public Service Commission 00601 Advances to Public Officers 8,000,000 2,000,000 32,000,000 —
7 Judicial Service Commission 00701 Advances to Public Officers 3,000,000 1,200,000 17,500,000 —
8 National Police Commission 00801 Advances to Public Officers 1,950,000 1,500,000 11,000,000 —
9 Administrative Appeals 00901 Advances to Public Officers 1,000,000 260,000 4,000,000 —

10 Commission to Investigate 01001 Advances to Public Officers 6,000,000 2,500,000 25,000,000 —
Allegations of Bribery or
11 Commission to Investigate 01002Advancing monies to be used 5,000,000 1,500,000 7,500,000 —
Allegations of Bribery or in bribery detection as bribes
12 Office of the Finance 01101 Advances to Public Officers 4,000,000 4,000,000 20,000,000 —
13 National Education 01201 Advances to Public Officers 1,500,000 600,000 6,000,000 —
14 Department of Attorney 01401 Advances to Public Officers 23,500,000 10,000,000 90,000,000 —
15 Department of Legal 01501 Advances to Public Officers 5,300,000 2,000,000 24,000,000 —
16 Parliament 01601 Advances to Public Officers 39,500,000 20,000,000 175,000,000 —
17 Office of the Leader of the 01701 Advances to Public Officers 1,200,000 800,000 3,500,000 —
House of Parliament
18 Office of the Chief Govern- 01801 Advances to Public Officers 2,000,000 1,000,000 7,500,000 —
ment Whip of Parliament
19 Office of the Leader of the 01901 Advances to Public Officers 1,500,000 1,000,000 9,000,000 —
Opposition of Parliament
20 Department of Elections 02001 Advances to Public Officers 23,000,000 14,000,000 80,000,000 —
21 Auditor-General 02101 Advances to Public Officers 58,000,000 40,000,000 300,000,000 —
22 Office of the Parliamentary 02201 Advances to Public Officers 800,000 180,000 30,000,000 —
for Administration
23 Minister of Buddha Sasana 10101 Advances to Public Officers 5,600,000 1,900,000 19,000,000 —
and Religious Affairs
24 Minister of Finance and 10201 Advances to Public Officers 24,000,000 7,500,000 90,000,000 —
25 Minister of Defence and 10301 Advances to Public Officers 250,000,000 113,200,000 650,000,000 —
Urban Development

SRL Ministries / Departments Item Activities of the Government Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
No. No. Limits of Limits of Limits of Limits of
Expenditure Receipts to be Debit Balance Liabilities
of Activities Credited to the of Activities of Activities
of the Accounts of of the of the
Government Activities of Government Government
the Government
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
26 Minister of Economic 10501 Advances to Public Officers 120,000,000 60,000,000 438,000,000 —
27 Minister of Disaster 10601 Advances to Public Officers 4,200,000 2,500,000 16,000,000 —
28 Minister of Postal Services 10801 Advances to Public Officers 3,500,000 1,900,000 40,000,000 —
29 Minister of Justice 11001 Advances to Public Officers 12,000,000 6,000,000 48,000,000 —
30 Minister of Health 11101 Advances to Public Officers 900,000,000 750,000,000 1,919,000,000 —
31 Minister of External Affairs 11201 Advances to Public Officers 21,000,000 18,000,000 110,000,000 —
32 Minister of Transport 11401 Advances to Public Officers 9,000,000 3,800,000 39,000,000 —
33 Minister of Petroleum 11501 Advances to Public Officers 3,500,000 1,200,000 11,200,000 —
34 Minister of Co-operatives 11601 Advances to Public Officers 7,000,000 3,800,000 30,000,000 —
and Internal Trade
35 Minister of Ports and 11701 Advances to Public Officers 5,000,000 3,900,000 27,000,000 —
36 Minister of Agriculture 11801 Advances to Public Officers 10,000,000 4,500,000 85,000,000 —
37 Minister of Power and 11901 Advances to Public Officers 5,000,000 2,600,000 20,000,000 —
38 Minister of Child 12001 Advances to Public Officers 26,000,000 7,000,000 80,000,000 —
Development and Women's

39 Minister of Public 12101 Advances to Public Officers 20,000,000 15,000,000 80,000,000 —
Administration and
Home Affairs
40 Minister of Mass Media and 12201 Advances to Public Officers 7,000,000 3,600,000 30,000,000 —
41 Minister of Construction, 12301 Advances to Public Officers 9,000,000 4,000,000 80,000,000 —
Engineering Services,
Housing and Common
42 Minister of Social Services 12401 Advances to Public Officers 12,000,000 3,500,000 48,000,000 —
43 Minister of Education 12601 Advances to Public Officers 785,000,000 670,000,000 2,700,000,000 —
44 Minister of Labour and 12701 Advances to Public Officers 7,000,000 2,000,000 90,000,000 —
Labour Relations
45 Minister of Traditional 12801 Advances to Public Officers 7,500,000 2,500,000 25,000,000 —
Industries and Small
Enterprises Development
46 Minister of Local 13001 Advances to Public Officers 8,500,000 3,900,000 35,000,000 —
Government and Provincial
47 Minister of Technology 13301 Advances to Public Officers 25,000,000 9,000,000 75,000,000 —
and Research
48 Minister of National 13401 Advances to Public Officers 10,000,000 3,400,000 52,000,000 —
Languages and
Social Integration
49 Minister of Plantation 13501 Advances to Public Officers 6,000,000 3,000,000 31,000,000 —
50 Minister of Sports 13601 Advances to Public Officers 7,000,000 2,000,000 24,000,000 —
51 Minister of Indigenous 13801 Advances to Public Officers 8,500,000 3,000,000 36,000,000 —

SRL Ministries / Departments Item Activities of the Government Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
No. No. Limits of Limits of Limits of Limits of
Expenditure Receipts to be Debit Balance Liabilities
of Activities Credited to the of Activities of Activities
of the Accounts of of the of the
Government Activities of Government Government
the Government
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
52 Minister of Fisheries and 13901 Advances to Public Officers 6,300,000 3,800,000 38,000,000 —
Aquatic Resources
53 Minister of Livestock and 14001 Advances to Public Officers 7,000,000 4,000,000 30,000,000 —
Rural Community
54 Minister of National Heritage 14201 Advances to Public Officers 6,000,000 1,500,000 35,000,000 —
55 Minister of Parliamentary 14301 Advances to Public Officers 6,000,000 2,500,000 21,500,000 —
56 Minister of Resettlement 14501 Advances to Public Officers 10,000,000 7,000,000 17,500,000 —
57 Minister of Industry and 14901 Advances to Public Officers 11,800,000 8,000,000 60,000,000 —
58 Minister of Irrigation and 15201 Advances to Public Officers 9,000,000 4,800,000 42,000,000 —
Water Resources
59 Minister of Land and Land 15301 Advances to Public Officers 22,000,000 5,500,000 70,000,000 —
60 Minister of Youth Affairs and 15601 Advances to Public Officers 20,000,000 12,000,000 93,000,000 —
Skills Development
61 Minister of Environment 16001 Advances to Public Officers 11,000,000 5,500,000 50,000,000 —

62 Minister of Water Supply 16601 Advances to Public Officers 5,000,000 1,800,000 25,000,000 —
and Drainage
63 Minister of HigherEducation 17101 Advances to Public Officers 4,500,000 4,000,000 18,000,000 —
64 Minister of Public 17301 Advances to Public Officers 1,400,000 1,150,000 7,200,000 —
Management Reforms
65 Minister of Rehabilitation 17401 Advances to Public Officers 3,000,000 1,000,000 15,000,000 —
and Prison Reforms
66 Minister of State Resources 17501 Advances to Public Officers 5,000,000 1,500,000 20,000,000 —
and Enterprise Development
67 Minister of Civil Aviation 17601 Advances to Public Officers 2,000,000 1,600,000 11,900,000 —
68 Minister of Culture and the 17701 Advances to Public Officers 35,000,000 14,000,000 111,100,000 —
69 Minister of Coconut 17801 Advances to Public Officers 1,500,000 300,000 3,000,000 —
Development and Janatha
Estate Development
70 Minister of Agrarian Services 17901 Advances to Public Officers 3,500,000 3,000,000 30,000,000 —
and Wildlife
71 Minister of Minor Export 18001 Advances to Public Officers 2,500,000 1,000,000 12,300,000 —
Crop Promotion
72 Minister of Productivity 18101 Advances to Public Officers 4,500,000 3,500,000 5,500,000 —
73 Minister of Foreign 18201 Advances to Public Officers 1,700,000 900,000 7,000,000 —
Employment Promotion
and Welfare
74 Minister of Public Relations 18301 Advances to Public Officers 1,000,000 300,000 2,000,000 —
and Public Affairs
75 Minister of Private Transport 18401 Advances to Public Officers 1,800,000 600,000 5,500,000 —

SRL Ministries / Departments Item Activities of the Government Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
No. No. Limits of Limits of Limits of Limits of
Expenditure Receipts to be Debit Balance Liabilities
of Activities Credited to the of Activities of Activities
of the Accounts of of the of the
Government Activities of Government Government
the Government
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
76 Minister of Telecommunication 18501 Advances to Public Officers 1,200,000 300,000 2,000,000 —
and Information Technology
77 Department of Buddhist 20101 Advances to Public Officers 23,000,000 8,500,000 60,000,000 —
78 Department of Muslim 20201 Advances to Public Officers 2,000,000 900,000 12,000,000 —
Religious and Cultural
79 Department of Christian 20301 Advances to Public Officers 1,300,000 600,000 6,500,000 —
Religious Affairs
80 Department of Hindu 20401 Advances to Public Officers 4,500,000 500,000 11,500,000 —
Religious and Cultural
81 Department of Public 20501 Advances to Public Officers 3,000,000 1,500,000 14,000,000 —
82 Department of Cultural 20601 Advances to Public Officers 17,000,000 6,500,000 86,000,000 —
83 Department of Archaeology 20701 Advances to Public Officers 40,000,000 19,000,000 145,000,000 —
84 Department of National 20801 Advances to Public Officers 9,500,000 5,000,000 45,000,000 —
85 Department of National 20901 Advances to Public Officers 6,000,000 2,500,000 24,000,000 —
86 Department of Information 21001 Advances to Public Officers 8,000,000 5,200,000 45,000,000 —

87 Department of Government 21101 Advances to Public Officers 77,000,000 38,000,000 300,000,000 —
88 Department of Examinations 21201 Advances to Public Officers 18,000,000 13,000,000 115,000,000 —
89 Department of Educational 21301 Advances to Public Officers 5,280,000 3,740,000 30,416,000 —
90 Department of Educational 21302 Printing, Publicity and 2,900,000,000 2,900,000,000 4,000,000,000 500,000,000
Publications Sales of Publications
91 Department of Technical 21501 Advances to Public Officers 58,000,000 45,000,000 290,000,000 —
Education and Training
92 Department of Social 21601 Advances to Public Officers 18,000,000 11,200,000 100,000,000 —
93 Department of Probation 21701 Advances to Public Officers 14,000,000 6,000,000 75,000,000 —
and Child Care Services
94 Department of Commissioner 21801 Advances to Public Officers 12,000,000 9,000,000 90,000,000 —
General of Samurdhi
95 Department of Sports 21901 Advances to Public Officers 8,000,000 4,000,000 33,000,000 —
96 Department of Ayurveda 22001 Advances to Public Officers 30,000,000 19,000,000 171,000,000 —
97 Department of Labour 22101 Advances to Public Officers 90,000,000 47,000,000 246,000,000 —
98 Sri Lanka Army 22201 Advances to Public Officers 2,135,000,000 1,750,000,000 4,250,000,000 —
99 Sri Lanka Navy 22301 Advances to Public Officers 590,000,000 340,000,000 1,000,000,000 —
100 Sri Lanka Navy 22302 Stores Advances Account 450,000,000 525,000,000 450,000,000 —
(Explosive items)
101 Sri Lanka Air Force 22401 Advances to Public Officers 500,000,000 440,000,000 1,802,000,000 —
102 Department of Police 22501 Advances to Public Officers 1,585,000,000 1,000,000,000 5,000,000,000 —
103 Department of Immigration 22601 Advances to Public Officers 25,000,000 19,000,000 154,000,000 —
and Emigration
104 Department of Registration 22701 Advances to Public Officers 25,000,000 15,000,000 95,000,000 —
of Persons
105 Courts Administration 22801 Advances to Public Officers 195,000,000 166,000,000 750,000,000 —

SRL Ministries / Departments Item Activities of the Government Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
No. No. Limits of Limits of Limits of Limits of
Expenditure Receipts to be Debit Balance Liabilities
of Activities Credited to the of Activities of Activities
of the Accounts of of the of the
Government Activities of Government Government
the Government
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
106 Department of Debt 23101 Advances to Public Officers 1,000,000 300,000 2,400,000 —
Conciliation Board
107 Department of Prisons 23201 Advances to Public Officers 140,000,000 110,000,000 500,000,000 —
108 Department of Prisons 23202 Prisons Industrial and 90,000,000 115,000,000 30,000,000 12,000,000
Agricultural undertakings
109 Department of Government 23301 Advances to Public Officers 7,500,000 3,200,000 36,000,000 —
110 Registrar of Supreme Court 23401 Advances to Public Officers 11,000,000 4,200,000 42,000,000 —
111 Department of 23501 Advances to Public Officers 1,300,000 500,000 3,500,000 —
Law Commission
112 Department of Official 23601 Advances to Public Officers 10,000,000 3,000,000 36,000,000 —
113 Department of National 23701 Advances to Public Officers 4,000,000 2,500,000 30,000,000 —
114 Department of Fiscal Policy 23801 Advances to Public Officers 2,600,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 —
115 Department of External 23901 Advances to Public Officers 5,000,000 2,880,000 32,000,000 —
116 Department of National 24001 Advances to Public Officers 7,000,000 3,700,000 35,000,000 —
117 Department of Public 24101 Advances to Public Officers 4,000,000 1,500,000 18,000,000 —

118 Department of Management 24201 Advances to Public Officers 5,000,000 2,000,000 23,000,000 —
119 Department of Development 24301 Advances to Public Officers 2,500,000 500,000 12,000,000 —
120 Department of Trade Tariff 24401 Advances to Public Officers 2,500,000 1,500,000 15,000,000 —
and Investment Policy
121 Department of Public 24501 Advances to Public Officers 4,000,000 1,000,000 16,000,000 —
122 Department of Inland 24601 Advances to Public Officers 45,000,000 48,000,000 295,000,000 —
123 Sri Lanka Customs 24701 Advances to Public Officers 40,000,000 35,000,000 294,000,000 —
124 Sri Lanka Customs 24702 Expenses in connection with 4,000,000 2,000,000 15,000,000 —
Seized and Forfeited Goods
125 Department of Excise 24801 Advances to Public Officers 28,000,000 22,000,000 195,000,000 —
126 Department of Treasury 24901 Advances to Public Officers 5,500,000 2,800,000 30,000,000 —
127 Department ofState Accounts 25001 Advances to Public Officers 5,000,000 2,000,000 25,000,000 —
128 Department of State Accounts 25002 Advances for Payments on 4,250,000 4,250,000 3,500,000 —
behalf of other Governments
129 Department of State Accounts 25003 Miscellaneous Advances 10,000,000 3,000,000 520,000,000 —
130 Department of Valuation 25101 Advances to Public Officers 15,000,000 12,500,000 60,000,000 —
131 Department of Census and 25201 Advances to Public Officers 52,000,000 19,500,000 215,000,000 —
132 Department of Pensions 25301 Advances to Public Officers 20,000,000 18,000,000 140,000,000 —
133 Department of Registrar 25401 Advances to Public Officers 50,000,000 30,000,000 195,000,000 —
134 District Secretariat, Colombo 25501 Advances to Public Officers 47,000,000 34,000,000 180,000,000 —
135 District Secretariat, Gampaha 25601 Advances to Public Officers 65,000,000 57,000,000 232,500,000 —

SRL Ministries / Departments Item Activities of the Government Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
No. No. Limits of Limits of Limits of Limits of
Expenditure Receipts to be Debit Balance Liabilities
of Activities Credited to the of Activities of Activities
of the Accounts of of the of the
Government Activities of Government Government
the Government
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
136 District Secretariat, Kalutara 25701 Advances to Public Officers 62,500,000 38,000,000 265,000,000 —
137 District Secretariat, Kandy 25801 Advances to Public Officers 76,500,000 55,000,000 198,000,000 —
138 District Secretariat, Matale 25901 Advances to Public Officers 30,000,000 23,000,000 150,000,000 —
139 District Secretariat, 26001 Advances to Public Officers 30,000,000 18,700,000 110,000,000 —
140 District Secretariat, Galle 26101 Advances to Public Officers 51,000,000 44,000,000 220,000,000 —
141 District Secretariat, Matara 26201 Advances to Public Officers 50,500,000 35,000,000 180,000,000 —
142 District Secretariat, 26301 Advances to Public Officers 40,000,000 26,000,000 155,000,000 —
143 District Secretariat/Kachcheri, 26401 Advances to Public Officers 43,000,000 23,000,000 120,000,000 —
144 District Secretariat/Kachcheri, 26501 Advances to Public Officers 9,500,000 6,500,000 49,000,000 —
145 District Secretariat/Kachcheri, 26601 Advances to Public Officers 10,000,000 7,000,000 40,000,000 —
146 District Secretariat/Kachcheri, 26701 Advances to Public Officers 10,700,000 5,000,000 42,000,000 —
147 District Secretariat/Kachcheri, 26801 Advances to Public Officers 16,000,000 6,000,000 81,000,000 —
148 District Secretariat/ Kachcheri, 26901 Advances to Public Officers 36,500,000 20,000,000 87,000,000 —
149 District Secretariat, Ampara 27001 Advances to Public Officers 52,000,000 38,000,000 190,000,000 —

150 District Secretariat/Kachcheri, 27101 Advances to Public Officers 22,000,000 14,000,000 110,000,000 —
151 District Secretariat, Kurunegala 27201 Advances to Public Officers 95,000,000 70,000,000 355,000,000 —
152 District Secretariat, Puttalam 27301 Advances to Public Officers 50,000,000 25,000,000 190,000,000 —
153 District Secretariat, 27401 Advances to Public Officers 60,000,000 40,000,000 215,000,000 —
154 District Secretariat, 27501 Advances to Public Officers 29,500,000 17,000,000 108,000,000 —
155 District Secretariat, Badulla 27601 Advances to Public Officers 42,000,000 26,000,000 146,000,000 —
156 District Secretariat, 27701 Advances to Public Officers 35,000,000 24,000,000 145,000,000 —
157 District Secretariat, Ratnapura 27801 Advances to Public Officers 50,000,000 30,000,000 185,000,000 —
158 District Secretariat, Kegalle 27901 Advances to Public Officers 50,000,000 35,000,000 170,000,000 —
159 Department of Project 28001 Advances to Public Officers 6,000,000 1,600,000 21,000,000 —
Management and Monitoring
160 Department of Agrarian 28101 Advances to Public Officers 232,500,000 140,000,000 830,000,000 —
161 Department of Irrigation 28201 Advances to Public Officers 145,000,000 102,000,000 480,000,000 —
162 Department of Forests 28301 Advances to Public Officers 75,000,000 45,000,000 298,500,000 —
163 Department of Wildlife 28401 Advances to Public Officers 40,000,000 27,000,000 127,000,000 —
164 Department of Agriculture 28501 Advances to Public Officers 180,000,000 110,000,000 500,000,000 —
165 Department of Agriculture 28502Maintenance of Agricultural 280,000,000 290,000,000 50,000,000 —
Farms and Seed Sales
166 Department of Land 28601 Advances to Public Officers 14,000,000 13,500,000 80,000,000 —
167 Department of Land 28701 Advances to Public Officers 14,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 —
168 Department ofSurveyor 28801 Advances to Public Officers 150,000,000 100,000,000 432,000,000 —

SRL Ministries / Departments Item Activities of the Government Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
No. No. Limits of Limits of Limits of Limits of
Expenditure Receipts to be Debit Balance Liabilities
of Activities Credited to the of Activities of Activities
of the Accounts of of the of the
Government Activities of Government Government
the Government
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
169 Department of Export 28901 Advances to Public Officers 29,500,000 20,000,000 110,000,000 —
170 Department of Fisheries and 29001 Advances to Public Officers 19,000,000 14,000,000 112,000,000 —
Aquatic Resources
171 Department of Coast 29101 Advances to Public Officers 15,000,000 8,000,000 66,900,000 —
172 Department of Animal 29201 Advances to Public Officers 29,000,000 15,000,000 109,000,000 —
Production and Health
173 Department of Rubber 29301 Advances to Public Officers 16,000,000 11,000,000 52,000,000 —
174 Department of National 29401 Advances to Public Officers 18,500,000 8,000,000 56,000,000 —
Zoological Gardens
175 Department of Commerce 29501 Advances to Public Officers 4,700,000 2,000,000 20,000,000 —
176 Department of Import and 29601 Advances to Public Officers 4,500,000 2,000,000 20,000,000 —
Export Control
177 Department of the Registrar 29701 Advances to Public Officers 4,500,000 2,100,000 32,000,000 —
of Companies
178 Department of Measurement 29801 Advances to Public Officers 9,500,000 3,300,000 37,000,000 —
Units, Standards and
179 National Intellectual Property 29901 Advances to Public Officers 3,500,000 1,400,000 13,000,000 —
Office of Sri Lanka

180 Department of Food 30001 Advances to Public Officers 7,500,000 3,700,000 52,000,000 —
181 Department of Co-operative 30101 Advances to Public Officers 5,000,000 2,000,000 22,000,000 —
Development (Registrar
of Co-operative Societies)
182 Co-operative Employees 30201 Advances to Public Officers 1,500,000 300,000 6,000,000 —
183 Department of Textile 30301 Advances to Public Officers 7,500,000 3,000,000 30,000,000 —
184 Department of Meteorology 30401 Advances to Public Officers 15,000,000 5,500,000 60,000,000 —
185 Department of Up-Country 30501 Advances to Public Officers 2,200,000 800,000 8,000,000 —
Peasantry Rehabilitation
186 Department of Sri Lanka 30601 Advances to Public Officers 530,000,000 325,000,000 1,993,000,000 —
187 Department of Sri Lanka 30602 Railway Stores Advance 1,700,000,000 1,200,000,000 5,311,000,000 800,000,000
Railways Account
188 Department of Motor Traffic 30701 Advances to Public Officers 18,000,000 15,000,000 100,000,000 —
189 Department of Posts 30801 Advances to Public Officers 600,000,000 480,000,000 1,975,000,000 —
190 Department of Buildings 30901 Advances to Public Officers 20,000,000 12,000,000 95,000,000 —
191 Government Factory 31001 Advances to Public Officers 28,000,000 18,000,000 127,000,000 —
192 Government Factory 31002 Government Factory Stores 120,000,000 120,000,000 10,000,000 20,000,000
Advance Account
193 Government Factory 31003 Government Factory Work 260,000,000 280,000,000 180,000,000 5,000,000
Done Advance Account
194 Department of National 31101 Advances to Public Officers 15,000,000 7,000,000 106,000,000 —
Physical Planning

SRL Ministries / Departments Item Activities of the Government Maximum Minimum Maximum Maximum
No. No. Limits of Limits of Limits of Limits of
Expenditure Receipts to be Debit Balance Liabilities
of Activities Credited to the of Activities of Activities
of the Accounts of of the of the
Government Activities of Government Government
the Government
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
195 Department of Civil Security 32001 Advances to Public Officers 170,000,000 155,000,000 150,000,000 —
196 Department of National 32201 Advances to Public Officers 20,000,000 8,500,000 60,000,000 —
Botanical Gardens
197 Department of Legal Affairs 32301 Advances to Public Officers 1,000,000 200,000 3,000,000 —
198 Department of Management 32401 Advances to Public Officers 2,000,000 1,200,000 11,000,000 —
199 Department of Community 32601 Advances to Public Officers 10,000,000 3,000,000 33,000,000 —
Based Correction
200 Department of Land Use 32701 Advances to Public Officers 18,000,000 6,500,000 48,500,000 —
Policy Planning
201 Department of Man Power 32801 Advances to Public Officers 20,380,000 7,700,000 59,000,000 —
& Employment
Total 18,070,260,000 14,070,260,000 48,689,516,000 1,337,000,000

6 Appropriation Act, No. 52 of 2011
Annual subscription of English Bills and Acts of the Parliament Rs. 885 (Local), Rs. 1,180
December each year in respect of the year following.