
ACT, NO. 49 OF 2011
[Certified on 30th November, 2011]
Printed on the Order of Government
Published as a Supplement to Part II of the Gazette of the Democratic
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka of December 02, 2011
Price : Rs. 25.00 Postage : Rs. 20.00

Coast Conservation (Amendment) 1
Act, No. 49 of 2011
[Certified on 30th November, 2011]
L. D. —O. 47/99
BE it enacted by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka as follows:—
1. This Act may be cited as the Coast Conservation Short title
(Amendment) Act, No. 49 of 2011.
2. The Long Title to the Coast Conservation Act, Amendment of
No. 57 of 1981 (hereinafter referred to as the “principal Long Title to
enactment”) is hereby amended by the substitution for the Act, No. 57 of
word “Scheme of work for Coast Conservation” of the words
“Scheme of work for Coast Conservation and Coastal
Resource Management”.
3. (1) In the principal enactment and in any other written “Coast
law, there shall be substituted— Act”,
“Director of
(a) for the words “Coast Conservation Act”, the words Coast
“Coast Conservation and Coastal Resource “Director” and
Management Act”; “coast
conservation” to
be known
(b) for the words “Director of Coast Conservation”, the as “Coast
words “Director-General of Coast Conservation and Conservation
and Coastal
Coastal Resource Management”; Resource
(c) for the word “Director” the words “Director- Act”, “Director-
General of Coast
General”; and Conservation
and Coastal
(d) for the words “coast conservation” the words “coast Management”,
conservation and coastal resource management”, “Director-
General” and
(2) Every reference to the “Coast Conservation Act”, the conservation
“Director of Coast Conservation”, “Director” and “coast and coastal
conservation” in any notice, notification or other document management”.
2—PL 006213—4,015 (08/2011)
2 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
shall be read and construed as a reference respectively to
“the Coast Conservation and Coastal Resource Management
Act”, “the Director-General Coast Conservation and Coastal
Resource Management”, “the Director-General” and “Coast
Conservation and Coastal Resource Management”.
Amendment of 4. Section 3 of the principal enactment is hereby
section 3 of the amended by the substitution for sub-paragraph (i) of
enactment. paragraph (b) of that section, of the following:—
“(i) such number of Directors, Deputy Directors and
Assistant Directors;”.
Amendment of 5. Section 4 of the principal enactment is hereby
section 4 of the
amended as follows:—
(1) in paragraph (b) of that section, by the substitution
for the words “Coastal Zone; and” of the words
“Coastal Zone;”; and
(2) by the repeal of paragraph (c) of that section and
the substitution therefor of the following
“(c) for the co-ordination of activities of other
departments, institutions and agencies in
connection with activities being carried out
within the Coastal Zone;
(d) for the preparation and implementation of the
Coastal Zone Management Plan prepared
under section 12;
(e) for the dissemination of information on coast
conservation and coastal resource
management, to the public and to other
departments, agencies and institutions and
where necessary to tender advice and
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 3
Act, No. 49 of 2011
(f) for the conduct of research in collaboration with
other departments, agencies and institutions for the
purpose of ensuring effective coast conservation
and coastal resource management;
(g) for the implementation of the coast conservation
and coastal resources management programmes
specified in the National Fisheries Policy.”.
6. Section 5 of the principal enactment is hereby Replacement of
repealed and the following section substituted therefor:— section 5 of the
“Director- 5. The Director-General may, delegate by enactment.
General may an authorization in writing in that behalf to
delegate any
any Divisional Secretary of a Division within
of his powers
&c,. under which any part of the coastal zone in situated
the Act to or to any prescribed public officer, as the case
Divisional may be, any power, duty and function
Secretaries or conferred or imposed on, or assigned to, the
to prescribed Director-General, by this Act, other than any
power, duty or function falling within Part III
of the Act. The Divisional Secretary or the
prescribed public officer shall within such
Divisional Secretary’s Division or other area
of authority exercise, perform and discharge
the power, duty or function so delegated subject
to the general direction and control of the
7. Section 6 of the principal enactment is hereby Replacement of
repealed and the following section substituted therefor:— section 6 of the
“Coast 6. (1) There shall be established a Coast enactment.
Conservation Conservation and Coastal Resource
and Coastal
Management Advisory Council (hereinafter
Management referred to as “the Advisory Council”)
Advisory consisting of the following members:—
(a) the Secretary to the Ministry of the
Minister to whom the subject of Coast
Conservation and Coastal Resource
Management is assigned, who shall be
the Chairman;
4 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
(b) the Secretary to the Ministry of the
Minister to whom the subject of Plan
Implementation is assigned or his
(c) the Secretary to the Ministry of the
Minister to whom the subject of Tourism
is assigned or his representative;
(d) the Secretary to the Ministry of the
Minister to whom the subject of Urban
Development is assigned or his
(e) the Secretary to the Ministry of the
Minister to whom the subject of Public
Administration is assigned or his
(f) the Secretary to the Ministry of the
Minister to whom the subject of
Industries is assigned, or his
(g) the Secretary to the Ministry of the
Minister to whom the subject of
Provincial Councils is assigned, or his
(h) the Secretary to the Ministry of the
Minister to whom the subject of
Environment is assigned, or his
(i) the Director-General of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources, appointed under the
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Act, No.
2 of 1996, or his representative;
(j) the Director-General of the National
Aquatic Resources Research and
Development Agency, appointed under
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 5
Act, No. 49 of 2011
the National Aquatic Resources,
Research and Development Agency Act,
No. 54 of 1981, or his representative;
(k) the Director-General of the Urban
Development Authority appointed under
the Urban Development Authority Law,
No.41 of 1978, or his representative;
(l) the Director-General of the Central
Environmental Authority appointed
under the National Environmental
Authority Act, No. 47 of 1980, or his
(m) The Director-General of the Geological
Survey and Mines Bureau appointed
under the Mines and Minerals Act, No.
33 of 1992, or his representative;
(n) the Land Commissioner or his
(o) the Director-General appointed under
section 3, who shall be the Secretary to
the Council; and
(p) three other persons appointed by the
Minister, one from among persons who
will represent the academic staff of the
Universities, one representing the non-
governmental organizations concerned
with the protection of the coastal
environment and the other who shall be
a representative of the fishing industry.
(2) The Advisory Council may where in its
opinion it appears to be necessary for the
effective discharge of its functions, co-opt any
6 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
other Secretary to serve as a member of the
Advisory Council for so long as may be
necessary for such purpose. A Secretary co-
opted in terms of this subsection shall be present
at meetings of the Advisory Council only when
the specific matter, which necessitated his
presence, is being discussed. He shall not be
entitled to vote at such meetings.”.
Replacement of 8. Section 11 of the principal enactment is hereby
section 11 of the repealed and the following section substituted therefor:—
“Survey of 11. (1) The Director-General shall as soon
resources as practicable cause a survey of all the resources
within the
and activities within the Coastal Zone to be
Coastal Zone.
conducted and thereafter prepare a report based
on the results of such survey.
(2) In preparing the report required under
subsection (1), the Director-General shall have
regard to the relevant data and information
collected or compiled by government
departments, institutions and agencies. It shall
be the duty of the Heads of such Departments,
institutions and agencies to furnish any such
data or information as may be reasonably
required by the Director-General for the
purpose of preparing such report.”.
Amendment of 9. Section 12 of the principal enactment is hereby
section 12 of the amended as follows:—
(1) in subsection (1) of that section—
(a) by the substitution for all the words from
“The Director shall” to “the plan shall
include” of the words “The Director-General
shall, not later than three years from the date
of operation of this Act, prepare and submit
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 7
Act, No. 49 of 2011
to the Advisory Council, a Coastal Zone and
Coastal Resource Management Plan
(hereinafter referred to as “the Plan”) based
on the results of the survey conducted in
terms of section 11. The Plan shall include
guidelines for the management of coastal
resources and a comprehensive programme
for conservation of coastal resources for
sustainable development and also—”;
(b) in paragraph (b) of subsection (1) thereof,
by the substitution for items (ix) and (x) and
the words “within the coastal zone.” of the
“(ix) agriculture;
(x) industry;
(xi) availability of coastal resources;
(xii) coastal erosion management;
(xiii) coastal water quality;
(xiv) zoning of coastal water usage; and
(xv) any other matters which in the
opinion of the Director-General is
relevant to coast conservation and
coastal resource management,
within the Coastal Zone.”;
(c) in paragraph (d) of subsection (1) thereof,
by the substitution for the words “Coastal
Zone regulation; and” of the words “Coastal
Zone regulation;”;
(d) in paragraph (e) of subsection (1) thereof,
by the substitution for the words “purposes
of coast conservation,” of the words
“purposes of coast conservation;”;
8 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
(e) by the addition immediately after paragraph
(e) of subsection (1) thereof, of the following
new sub-paragraphs:—
“(f) recommendations identifying Special
Area Management sites, rating such
sites in terms of the severity of resource
management issues, bio diversity,
viability and economic significance;
(g) identify the routes, paths and corridors
of access available for the public to
access the beach and the coastal zone
and recommend measures required to
clear any obstructions therein;
(h) recommend guidelines required for the
sustainable development and
management of the coastal zone; and
(i) formulate policies and furnish
recommendations in relation to coast
conservation and coastal resources
management activities,”;
(2) by the insertion immediately after subsection (1) of
that section, of the following new subsection:—
“(1A) The Director-General shall cause the Plan
prepared in terms of section 12 to be revised, at
least once in every five years:
Provided that, the Director-General may where
he deems it to be so necessary, cause a survey in
terms of section 11 to be carried out at the time of
revision of the Plan, and revise the plan based on
the results of the survey so conducted.”;
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 9
Act, No. 49 of 2011
(3) in subsection (5) of that section, by the substitution
for the words “period of four years” wherever they
occur in that subsection of the words “period of
five years”.
10. Section 13 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of
amended by the substitution for the words “quality of the section 13 of the
Coastal Zone” of the words “quality of the Coastal Zone and enactment.
the sustainability of the resources within the Coastal Zone”.
11. section 15 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of
amended as follows:— section 15 of the
(1) by the substitution in paragraph (a) of that section,
for the words “Coastal Zone Management Plan” of
the words “Coastal Zone and Coastal Resource
Management Plan”; and
(2) by the substitution in paragraph (b) of that section,
for the words “Coastal Zone” of the words “Coastal
Zone and the sustainability of the resources within
the Coastal Zone.”.
12. Section 16 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of
section 16 of the
amended as follows:—
(1) by the repeal of subsections (1) and (2) of that
section and the substitution therefor of the following
“(1) Upon receipt of an application for a permit
to engage in a development activity within the
Coastal Zone as required by subsection (3) of
section 14, the Director-General may require the
applicant to furnish an initial environmental
examination report or an environmental impact
assessment report relating to the development
activity as the case may be, or both such reports. It
10 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
shall be the duty of the applicant to comply with
such requirement. Every initial environmental
examination report or environmental impact
assessment report shall contain such particulars
as may be prescribed:
Provided however, that the Minister may by
regulation prescribe the categories of development
activities in respect of which an initial
environmental examination report would not be
(2) In cases where an initial environmental
examination report is requested by the Director-
General, he may, on receipt of such report and if it
appears that such report is sufficient for the purpose
of determining, whether or not to grant the permit,
dispense with the requirement of providing the
environmental impact assessment report.
(2A) Where the Director-General considers that
the initial environmental examination report is
sufficient to determine whether or not to issue the
permit, he may submit a copy of such report to the
Council for its comments, if any.
(2B) The Council shall, within thirty days of
the initial environmental examination report being
submitted to them, furnish its comments if any, to
the Director-General.
(2C) Where after considering an initial
environmental examination report submitted to
him under subsection (2A), the Director-General
considers that an environmental impact
assessment report is necessary to arrive at a
decision, he may require the applicant to submit
the same to him.
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 11
Act, No. 49 of 2011
(2D) Upon receipt of the environmental impact
assessment report, the Director-General shall
submit a copy of the same to the Council for its
comments and by Notification published in the
Gazette provide an opportunity for the public to
submit comments in respect of the same within
thirty days of the date of such Notification.”;
(2) in subsection (4) of that section, by the substitution
for the words “under subsection (3)” of the words
“under subsections (2A), (2C), (2D) and (3)”; and
(3) in subsection (5) of that section, by the substitution
for the words “under subsection (3)” of the words
“under subsections (2C), (2D) and (3)”.
13. Section 17 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of
amended by the substitution for the words “Coastal Zone, section 17 of the
having regard to the Coastal Zone Management Plan” of the
words “Coastal Zone and resource therein, having regard to
the Coastal Zone and Coastal Resource Management Plan”.
14. Section 18 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of
amended by the repeal of subsection (3) of that section and section 18 of the
the substitution therefor of the following subsection:—
“(3) A permit issued under this Part shall not be
transferred without the prior written approval of the
Director-General. The Director-General may, where he
has granted approval for a transfer, impose further
conditions on such permit. A transfer may be effected
only on payment of the prescribed fee. An order
transferring the permit should also be entered on the
permit, in order that the transfer be effective:
Provided however that the Director-General shall
not make an order under this section unless a period of
two years has elapsed from the original date of issue of
the permit.”.
12 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
Amendment of 15. Section 19 of the principal enactment is hereby
section 19 of the
principal amended as follows:—
(1) in paragraph (b) of that section, by the substitution
for the words “Costal Zone” of the word “Coastal
Zone or the resources therein”; and
(2) by the substitution for the words “to be served on
the permit holder.” of the words “to be sent by
registered post to the address stated by the permit
holder in the application submitted by him for the
permit or to such other address as intimated by him
in writing, to the Director-General.”.
Amendment of 16. Section 20 of the principal enactment is hereby
section 20 of the
amended in subsection (2) of that section, by the substitution
enactment. for all the words “the Director may,” to the end of that
subsection, of the words “or within any extended period
given by the Director-General, cancel the permit issued to
that person. Notice of such cancellation, stating reasons
therefor, shall be sent to him by registered post to the address
stated by the permit holder in the application submitted by
him for the permit or to such other address as intimated by
him in writing, to the Director-General.”.
Amendment of 17. Section 21 of the principal enactment is hereby
section 21 of the
amended as follows:—
(1) by the re-numbering of that section as subsection
(1) of that section;
(2) in the re-numbered subsection (1), by the
substitution for the words “subject of Coast
Conservation.” of the words “subject of Coast
Conservation and Coastal Resource Management.”;
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 13
Act, No. 49 of 2011
(3) by the addition, immediately after the re-numbered
subsection (1) of the following new subsections:—
“(2) On receipt of an appeal under subsection
(1) the Secretary shall forthwith require the
Director-General to forward to him all relevant
documents and files. The Director-General shall
comply with such request within a period of
fourteen days of the receipt of such request.
(3) The Secretary shall within sixty days of the
receipt by him of the appeal under subsection (1),
decide the matter and inform the Director-General
and the party appealing, of his decision. The
decision of the Secretary on an appeal shall be
(4) It shall be the duty of the Director-General
to carry out the decision of the Secretary in respect
of an appeal.
(5) The procedure to be followed in appeal shall
be as prescribed.”.
18. The following new section is hereby inserted Insertion of new
section 22A in
immediately after section 22 of the principal enactment and
the principal
shall effect as section 22A of that enactment:— enactment.
“Application 22A. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of
of the Mines
the Mines and Minerals Act, No. 33 of 1992,
and Minerals
Act. the Director-General of the Geological Survey
and Mines Bureau shall not issue, in relation
to an area lying within the Coastal Zone, a
permit under the provisions of this Act, without
having obtained the prior consent of the
Director-General, in respect of such issue.
14 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
(2) Where the Director-General consents to
the grant of a permit by the Director-General of
the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau, the
Director-General may require that such
conditions as he deems necessary in the
circumstances be attached to the permit so
(3) Where, a person to whom a permit is
issued by the Director-General of the
Geological Survey and Mines Bureau, fails to
comply with the conditions attached to his
permit, the Director-General shall notify the
Director-General of the Geological Survey and
Mines Bureau of the same.
(4) On receipt of such notification,
the Director-General of the Geological
Survey and Mines Bureau shall issue a
direction to the permit holder who has
contravened the provisions of the permit,
requiring him to forthwith comply with the
same within the period to be specified in the
direction, or such later date to which
period has been extended. Where the permit
holder fails to comply with the direction,
the Director-General of the Geological
Survey and Mines Bureau shall, after
consultation with the Director-General, cancel
the permit.
(5) Where a permit is cancelled in terms
of subsection (4), the provisions of sections
38, 39 and 40 of the Mines and Minerals
Act, No. 33 of 1992, shall mutatis mutandis
apply in respect of such cancellation.”.
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 15
Act, No. 49 of 2011
19. The following new Parts are hereby inserted Insertion of new
immediately after Part III of the principal enactment and Parts IIIa, IIIb,
IIIc and IIId in
shall have effect as Part IIIA, IIIB, IIIC and IIID (section 22B, the principal
22C, 22D, 22E, 22F and 22G) of that enactment:— enactment.
Declaration 22B. (1) The Minister may, by Order
of affected published in the Gazette declare any area:—
(a) within the Coastal Zone or adjacent to
the Coastal Zone or falling within both
such areas; or
(b) within any water body or part of any
water body; or
(c) within any lagoon or part of any lagoon
or any peripheral area of a lagoon,
as an “affected area”.
(2) Any development activity which could
be carried on in terms of a permit obtained
under section 14, would if it is carried out in an
area declared to be an affected area under
paragraph (a) of subsection (1), be considered
a prohibited activity. Any person, who engages
in a prohibited activity, shall be guilty of an
(3) No person shall in any area declared to
be an affected area under paragraph (b) of
subsection (1) fill, erect, construct, obstruct,
pollute or introduce any waste matter, or do
any act which will harm the aquatic or marine
life in such area. Any person who fills, erects,
constructs, obstructs, pollutes, introduces any
waste matter or does any act which harms the
aquatic or marine life in such area shall be guilty
of an offence.
16 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
(4) The provisions of section 27A and
section 28 shall mutatis mutandis apply to an
in relation to any development activity carried
on in contravention of the provisions of
subsections (2) and (3).
(5) The onus of proving that the act in
question was committed in an area outside the
affected area, shall lie on the person engaging
in the same.
(6) The Minister may make regulations for
setting out the manner in which these areas are
to be administered and the activities prohibited
within such area.
Beach 22C. (1) Where the Minister is of opinion
Parks that it is necessary for the preservation of the
scenic beauty and the biodiversity of any area
within the Coastal Zone to do so, declare by
Order published in the Gazette, any area within
the Coastal Zone to be a “Beach Park”.
(2) The Minister may make regulations
setting out the manner in which such parks
should be administered, the activities which
can be carried out within such area and the
persons who are permitted to enter into such
Conservation 22D. (1) The Minister may by Order
Areas. published in the Gazette, declare as a
“Conservation Area”, any area in which special
measures need to be taken for the protection of
the coastal and aquatic eco-system.
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 17
Act, No. 49 of 2011
(2) No development activity or collection
and gathering of aquatic resources shall be
carried out in any area declared under
subsection (1). The Director-General may
however issue permits, in respect of
applications made in the prescribed form, to
persons intending to engage in scientific study
and research within such area.
(3) The Minister may make regulations
prescribing the manner and mode of
administrating such areas, the activities
permitted within such areas and the persons
who may engage in such activities within such
Special 22E. (1) The Minister may, in respect of any
Management area of land within the Coastal Zone or adjacent
to the Coastal Zone or comprising both areas
from the Coastal Zone and the adjacent area of
land, declare such area by Order published in
the Gazette, to be a “Special Management
Area” if it appears to him that it is necessary to
do so due to the need to adopt a collaborative
approach to planning resource management
within the defined geographic area:
Provided that no area shall be declared as a
Special Management Area, unless such area
has been included in the Coastal Zone and
Coastal Resource Management Plan prepared
under the provisions of this Act.
(2) The Minister may make regulations
prescribing the manner and mode in which,
and the persons by whom, such Special
18 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
Management Area should be administered, the
persons entitled to have access to these areas
and the activities which can be carried out
within such areas.
Coastal 22F. (1) The Director-General shall cause
Access Plan. to be carried out, as soon as possible after the
coming into operation of this Act, a survey
which would identify all the routes, paths and
corridors which provide access to the public to
the beaches, and routes, paths and corridors
which provide access to the Coastal Zone.
Based on the findings of the survey he shall
prepare a comprehensive Report which he shall
submit to the Council.
(2) The Director-General is hereby
empowered to call for and obtain information
reasonably required by him for the compilation
of this Report from any government
department, institution or agency concerned
in related activities. It shall be the duty of these
departments, institutions and agencies to
furnish the Director-General with the relevant
(3) The Director-General shall within sixty
days of the Coastal Access Plan being submitted
to him by the Director-General after inclusion
of such modifications, if any suggested by the
Council, make the plan available to the public
for its comments. Any member of the public
may, within sixty days of the Coastal Access
Plan being made available to them, forward
his comments to the Director-General. It shall
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 19
Act, No. 49 of 2011
be the duty of the Director-General to include
any comments received by the public in the
plan and submit a revised plan to the Minister.
(4) The Minister shall thereupon submit the
revised Coastal Access Plan to the Cabinet of
Ministers for its approval. Upon approval of
the said Plan by the Cabinet of Ministers, the
Minister shall cause the Coastal Access Plan
to be published in the Gazette. The Coastal
Access Plan shall be operative as from the date
of publication in the Gazette or from such later
date as may be specified therein.
(5) The Minister may make regulations
specifying the matters which need to be
included in the Coastal Access Plan, the
activities which could be carried out in
conformity with such plan, and details as to
ownership of the lands included in the plan
inclusive of extents and locations.
(6) Any person who acts in contravention
of the provisions of this section or any
regulation made thereunder, shall be guilty of
an offence and shall on conviction after
summary trial before a Magistrate be liable to
a fine of not less than five thousand rupees and
not more than twenty five thousand rupees or
to imprisonment of either description for a term
of not less than three months and not more
than two years, or to both such fine and
Application 22G. The provisions contained in the Act,
of the
shall where relevant to the implementation of
provisions of
Act to Parts Parts IIIA, IIIB, IIIC and IIID (as inserted herein),
IIIA, IIIB, of this Act, mutatis mutandis apply in relation
IIIC and IIID. to Parts IIIA, IIIB, IIIC and IIID (as inserted herein)
of the Act.”.
20 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
Amendment of 20. Section 24 of the principal enactment is hereby
section 24 of the
amended in subsection (1) of that section by the substitution
enactment. for the words “lying within the Coastal Zone.” of the words
“lying within the Coastal Zone, for the purpose of promoting
scientific study and research.”.
Amendment of 21. Section 25 of the principal enactment is hereby
section 25 of the
amended as follows:—
(1) in subsection (1) of that section, by the substitution
for the words “or the stability of the Coastal Zone”
of the words “or the stability of the Coastal Zone or
the resources within the Coastal Zone”;
(2) by the insertion immediately after subsection (1) of
that section, of the following new subsection:—
“(1A) Where a notice is served under
paragraph (a) of subsection (1), the person on
whom the notice is so served, shall comply with
the said notice within the period specified in such
notice. The Director-General shall, after the period
specified has elapsed, take such measures as may
be necessary to prevent such intrusion or activity.
All expenses incurred by the Director-General in
preventing the intrusion or the activity, shall be
recovered from the person on whom notice is
served, as a debt due to the State.”;
(3) in subsection (2) of that section, by the substitution
for all the words from “If a local authority is unable”
to the end of that subsection of the words “If a local
authority or an agency is unable to comply with
such a request it shall forthwith inform the Director-
General of such inability. Upon being so informed,
the Director-General shall require, by notice in
writing, the person responsible for such waste or
foreign matter or such activity, to take corrective
measures or to desist from engaging in such
activity.”; and
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 21
Act, No. 49 of 2011
(4) by the addition immediately after subsection (2) of
that section of the following new subsection:—
“(3) Where notice has been served under
subsection (2), the person on whom such notice is
served shall take steps to comply with the notice
in the time specified. Where, after the expiry of a
reasonable period of time, no steps have been taken
to comply with the notice, the Director-General
shall take such measures as may be necessary to
prevent such intrusion or activity. All expenses
incurred by the Director-General in preventing
the intrusion or the activity, shall be recovered
from the person on whom notice is served, as a
debt due to the State.”.
22. Section 26 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of
amended by the substitution for the words “permit issued section 26 of the
under this Act.” of the words “permit issued under this
Act, or any license issued under the Mines and Minerals
Act, No. 33 of 1992 in respect of which the Director-General
has imposed conditions under this Act,”.
23. The following new section is hereby inserted Insertion of new
immediately after section 26 of the principal enactment, section 26A in
the principal
and shall have effect as section 26A of that enactment:—
“Issue of 26A. (1) The Director-General shall have the
directions to power to issue directions to any person engaged
in, or likely to engage in, any development
activity which is causing or is likely to cause
damage or detriment to the Coastal Zone or to
the resources therein, regarding the measures
to be taken in order to prevent or abate such
damage or detriment, and it shall be the duty
of such person to comply with such directions.
(2) Where any person fails to comply with
any directions issued under subsection (1),
the Magistrate shall, on an application made
22 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
by the Director-General order the temporary
suspension of the project or activity, until the
person complies with the directions.
(3) Any person who fails to comply with
the order of the Magistrate shall be liable to a
fine of rupees ten thousand for each day in
respect of which he fails to comply with such
order and shall in addition be guilty of
Contempt of Court and shall be dealt with
Amendment of 24. Section 27 of the principal enactment is hereby
section 27 of the amended as follows:—
(1) by the renumbering of that section as subsection
(1) thereof; and
(2) by the addition immediately after the renumbered
subsection (1), of the following new subsection:—
“(2) Any person who fails to comply with the
notice issued in terms of subsection (1) within such
time as may be indicated in such notice, shall, if he
fails to comply with the notice even after a reminder
in respect thereof being sent to him, be liable to
have the permit so issued to him cancelled.”.
Amendment of 25. Section 28 of the principal enactment is hereby
section 28 of the amended by the repeal of subsection (1) of that section and
the substitution therefor of the following subsection:—
“(1) Any person who acts in contravention of
the provisions of section 14 shall be guilty of an
offence under this Act and shall on conviction,
after summary trial before a Magistrate, be
(a) in the case of a first offence, to a fine of
not less than five thousand rupees and not
more than twenty-five thousand rupees,
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 23
Act, No. 49 of 2011
or to imprisonment of either description
for a term not exceeding one year, or to
both such fine and imprisonment; and
(b) in the case of a second or subsequent
offence, to a fine of not less than fifty
thousand rupees and not more than one
hundred thousand rupees, or to
imprisonment of either description for a
term not less than one year and not
exceeding three years, or to both such fine
and imprisonment.”.
26. Section 29 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of
amended as follows:— section 29 of the
(a) in paragraph (a) of that section, by the substitution
for the words and figures “section 25;”, of the word
and figures “section 25 or under subsection (2) of
section 25”; and
(b) by the substitution for the words “to a fine not less
than one thousand five hundred rupees and not
exceeding twenty five thousand rupees” of the
words “to a fine not less than five thousand rupees
and not exceeding fifty thousand rupees”;”.
27. Section 30 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of
amended in subsection (1) of that section, by the substitution section 30 of the
for the words “to a fine not exceeding five hundred rupees
for each day” of the words “to a fine not less than one
thousand rupees and not exceeding five thousand rupees for
each day”.
28. Section 31 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of
amended by the repeal of subsections (3) and (4) of that section 31 of the
section, and the substitution therefor of the following
“(3) Any person aggrieved by any direction issued
by the Director-General under subsection (2), may
24 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
within three days of the affixing of the notice, appeal
therefrom to the Secretary to the Ministry of the
Minister to whom the subject of coast conservation
has been assigned,
(3A) On receipt of an appeal under subsection (3),
the Secretary shall forthwith require the Director-
General to forward all relevant documents and files to
him. It shall be the duty of the Director-General to
forward, within fourteen (14) days of such a request,
all relevant documents and files if any, to the Secretary.
The Secretary may, where he is of the opinion that it is
essential in order to arrive at a decision, give the
appellant an opportunity to be heard in person.
(3B) The Secretary shall within forty five (45) days
of the receipt of the appeal, make his decision on such
appeal and inform both, the Director-General and the
appellant of his decision. It shall be the duty of the
Director-General to give effect to such decision. The
decision of the Secretary on any such appeal shall be
(3C) No person on whom a order has been served
under subsection (2), or who has appealed against the
order under subsection (3), shall continue to erect or
construct any unauthorized structure, house, hut, shed
or other building or permit any such unauthorized
structure, house, hut, shed or other building to remain
standing in such place.
(3D) Any person who contravenes the provisions of
subsection (3C) shall be guilty of an offence and shall
on conviction after summary trial before a Magistrate
be liable to a fine not less than fifty thousand rupees,
and not exceeding five hundred thousand rupees, or
to imprisonment of either description for a term of not
less than one year and not exceeding three years or to
both such fine and imprisonment.
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 25
Act, No. 49 of 2011
(4) The Director-General shall either upon the
serving of an order of demolition in terms of subsection
(2) or on the conclusion of any appeal in terms of
subsection (3), cause the construction of the
unauthorized structure, house, hut, shed or other
building to be taken down and removed from the land.
The total cost incurred in the taking down of the
unauthorized structure, house, hut, shed or other
building and the cost incurred in the removal of all
materials used in the construction of the unauthorized
structure, house, hut, shed or other building shall be
recovered from such person as a debt due to the State:
Provided that it shall be the responsibility of any
person who is required in terms of the preceding
provisions of this section, to take down and remove
any unauthorized structure, house, hut, shed or other
building as is specified, prior to the expiration of the
period specified, to remove or cause to be removed
therefrom all of his possessions as are presently within
such unauthorized structure, house, hut, shed or other
(4A) Where any person alleges at any time after the
taking down and removal of any unauthorized
structure, house, hut, shed or other building as
aforesaid, that any item of his possessions has been
lost, the onus shall lie on such person to prove beyond
reasonable doubt, that the item was in his possession
immediately prior to such taking down and removing,
as the case may be.
(4B) Wherever in any proceeding in terms of this
section the question arises as to the existence of an
unauthorized structure, house, hut, shed or other
building which has been taken down and removed, a
Certificate under the hand of the Director-General shall
be admissible in evidence and shall be prima facie
evidence thereof.”.
26 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
Insertion of new 29. The following new section is hereby inserted
section 31BB in immediately after section 31B of the principal enactment
the principal
and shall have effect as section 31BB, of that enactment :
“Sea Corals. 31BB (1). The provisions of sections 31A
and 31B shall mutatis mutandis apply in
relation to the mining, collecting, possession,
processing, storing, burning and transporting
of sea coral within or outside the Coastal Zone.
(2) In any prosecution if the question arises
as to whether the article being mined, collected,
possessed, processed, stored, burnt and
transported was sea coral, then a Certificate
under the hand of the Director-General to that
effect shall be admissible in evidence and shall
be prima facie evidence of the facts stated
Replacement of 30. Section 31E of the principal enactment is hereby
section 31F of repealed and the following section substituted therefor :—
the principal
“Transport 31E. (1) Any police officer shall have the
and storage power to—
of sand or
sea shells.
(a) stop and examine any vehicle, vessel,
boat or craft transporting or suspected of
transporting sand or sea shells ;
(b) enter and inspect any premises on which
sand or sea shells are stored.
(2) The onus of proving that such sand or
sea shells were obtained lawfully shall be on
the person transporting or storing, as the case
may be, such sand or sea shells. Any person
who is unable to furnish proof that the
transporting or storing was lawful, shall be
guilty of an offence.”.
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 27
Act, No. 49 of 2011
31. Section 31F of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of
amended as follows :— section 31F of
the principal
(1) by the renumbering of that section as subsection
(1) thereof ;
(2) in the renumbered subsection (1) by the substitution
for the words “credited to the Police Reward Fund
established under the Police Ordinance, fifty per
centum” of the words “established a Fund called
the “Coastal Protection Reward Fund” (hereinafter
referred to as “the Fund”) to which shall be credited
all fines recovered under this Act and all sums of
money realized by the disposal of articles forfeited
under the provisions of this Act.” ; and
(3) by the addition immediately after the renumbered
subsection (1) of the following new subsections :—
“(2) The Director-General shall be responsible
for the administration of the Fund and for the
maintenance of the accounts of the Fund. The
Auditor-General shall annually audit the accounts
of the Fund.
(3) The Director-General may, with the
concurrence of the Secretary to the Ministry of
the Minister to whom the subject of Coast
Conservation and Coastal Resource Management
is assigned, and of the Secretary to the Ministry of
the Minister to whom of the subject of Finance is
assigned, pay a reward to any person eligible to
receive the same. The Minister shall from time to
time issue guidelines designed to assist in the
determination of the qualifications for eligibility
and other criteria governing the payment of any
such reward.”.
28 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
Insertion of new 32. The following new sections are hereby inserted
section 31G and immediately after section 31F of the principal enactment
31H and 31I in
and shall have effect as sections 31G and 31H of that
the principal
enactment. enactment :—
“Filling of 31G. (1) No person shall, within the Coastal
land or water Zone, fill any land or any water body without a
without a permit issued in that behalf by the Director-
permit to be General.
an offence.
(2) The Director-General may, by giving
notice to the person or persons acting in
contravention of the provisions of subsection
(1) direct such person or persons to forthwith
remove the substance or matter used for filling
up the land or water body in question from
such land or water body and restore the land or
water body to the condition it was in prior to
such filling, within such time as the Director-
General may specify in such notice.
(3) Any person aggrieved by the direction
of the Director-General made under subsection
(2) may, within three days of the date of the
notice being served on him, appeal therefrom
to the Secretary to the Ministry of the Minister
to whom the subject of Coast Conservation
and Coastal Resource Management is assigned.
The decision of the Secretary on any such
appeal shall be final.
(4) On receipt of an appeal under subsection
(3), the Secretary shall forthwith require the
Director-General to forward all relevant
documents and files to him. It shall be the duty
of the Director-General to forward, within seven
days of such a request, all relevant documents
and files if any, to the Secretary. The Secretary
may, where he is of the opinion that it is
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 29
Act, No. 49 of 2011
essential in order to arrive at a decision, give
the appellant an opportunity to be heard in
(5) The Secretary shall make his decision
on such appeal within thirty days of the receipt
of the appeal and inform both the Director-
General and the appellant of his decision. It
shall be the duty of the Director-General to
give effect to such decision. The decision of
the Secretary on any such appeal shall be final.
(6) No person on whom a direction has been
served under subsection (2), or who has
appealed against the order under subsection
(3), shall continue to fill any land or water body.
(7) Any person who contravenes the
provisions of subsection (6) shall be guilty of
an offence and shall on conviction after
summary trial before a Magistrate be liable to
a fine not less than fifty thousand rupees and
not exceeding five hundred thousand rupees,
or to imprisonment of either description for a
term of not less than one year and not exceeding
three years or to both such fine and
(8) Where any person or persons fails to
remove the substance or matter used for filling
up the land or water body in question from
such land or water body and restore the land or
water body to the condition it was in prior to
such filling, within such time as the Director-
General had specified in the notice under
subsection (2) or as specified by the Secretary
when rejecting the appeal, the Director-General
shall cause the substance or matter to be
removed from the land or the water body as the
30 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
case may be, and the total cost of the removal
of the substance and matter used for filling the
land or the water body as the case may be, shall
be recovered from such person as a debt due to
the State.
(9) Wherever in any proceeding in terms of
this section the question arises as to the
existence of a land or water body which has
been filled and from which the substance or
matter used for filling has subsequently been
removed, a Certificate under the hand of the
Director-General shall be admissible in
evidence and shall be prima facie evidence
Bail not to be 31H. No bail shall be allowed by a Magistrate
allowed. during the continuance of any proceedings in
respect of an offence under this Act :
Provided however that the High Court of
the Province established under Article 154G of
the Constitution may, for exceptional
circumstances shown to the satisfaction of the
Court, allow bail to an accused person in
respect of on offence under this Act.”.
Replacement of 33. Section 35A of the principal enactment is hereby
section 35A of
amended by the repeal of subsection (1) of that section and
the principal
enactment. the substitution therefor of the following subsections :—
“(1) A police officer may without an order from a
Magistrate and without obtaining a warrant, arrest any
person reasonably suspected of having been concerned
in, or connected with, the commission of an offence
under this Act, punishable with imprisonment for a
term exceeding six months.”
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 31
Act, No. 49 of 2011
34. The following new sections are hereby inserted Insertion of new
sections 35A and
immediately after section 35A of the principal enactment
35AAA in the
and shall have effect as section 35AA and 35AAA of that principal
enactment :— enactment.
“Offences 35AA. Every offence under this Act shall be
under the Act
a cognizable offence within the meaning, and
to be
cognisable for the purposes of the Code of Criminal
offences. Procedure Act, No. 15 of 1979 and the
provisions of such Act shall apply accordingly.
Immunity 35AAA. No civil or criminal action shall be
from suit.
instituted against a police officer acting under
the provisions of this Act, for any lawful act
which is done or purported to be done in good
faith by such police officer in pursuance of his
duties under this Act.”.
35. In the event of any inconsistency between the Sinhala Sinhala text to
and Tamil taxts of this Act, the Sinhala text shall prevail. prevail in case
of inconsistency.
36. Section 42 of the principal enactment is hereby Amendment of
section 42 of the
amended as follows :—
(1) by the insertion immediately after the definition of
the expression “coast conservation” of the
following new definitions :—
‘ “coastal access” means the right of the public, to
approach, enter or use an approach to enter
into, or to go along a coastal margin in a
physical and visual sense and also includes
access along the shoreline, usually a strip of
land parallel to the waters edge or path or
trail which runs parallel to or along, the
shoreline, path or trail which connects the
nearest public roadway with a shoreline
destination along a reasonable direct route
32 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
or access to the shoreline from a public road
to the Mean High Water Level ;
“coastal resource” includes all living and non-
living resources found within the Coastal
Zone ;
“management” means the managing of renewable
and non-renewable coastal resources, either
separately or in an integrated fashion but
excluding fisheries and aquatic resources
which fall within the provisions of the
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Act, No. 2
of 1996 ;”;
(2) in the definition of the expression “Coastal Zone”
by the substitution for the words “any other body
of water so connected to the sea;” of the words “any
other body of water so connected to the sea, and
shall also include the area lying within a further
extended limit of one hundred metres inland from
the Zero Mean Sea Level along the periphery ;”;
(3) by the insertion immediately after the definition of
the expression “foreshore” of the following new
definition :—
“initial environmental examination report” means
a written report wherein possible impacts of
the development activity on the environment
shall be assessed with a view to determining
whether the impacts are significant and
therefore requires the preparation of an
environmental impact assessment report.
Such report shall contain all details and
descriptions, data maps, designs and other
information which is relevant to the
development activity ;”;
Coast Conservation (Amendment) 33
Act, No. 49 of 2011
(4) by the insertion immediately after the definition of
the expression “straight base line” of the following
new definition :—
‘ “sustainability” is the alternative to resource
depletion caused by excessive exploitation
for short term profit and implies the need for
the wise use and careful management of
individual species and communities, together
with the habitats and ecosystems on which
they depend, so that their current or potential
use to people is not impaired’; and
(5) by the insertion immediately after the definition of
the expression “public corporation” of the
following new definition :—
‘ “water body” includes rivers and any other body
of water so connected to the sea, marshes,
mudflats, lagoons and mangrove swamps ;’.
37. The Sri Lanka Land Reclamation and Development Amendment to
Corporation Act, No. 15 of 1968 and the Board of Investment the Sri Lanka
of Sri Lanka Law, No. 4 of 1978 are hereby amended in the
Reclamation and
sections set out in Column I of the Schedule to this Act, to Development
the extent and in the manner set out in the corresponding Corporation Act
entry in Column II of the said Schedule. and the Board of
Investment of
Sri Lanka Law.

34 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
SCHEDULE (Section 37)
Column I Column II
Section 2 by the addition immediately after subsection (4) of
that section of the following new subsection :—
“(5) Nothing contained in this Act shall be deemed
to confer on the Minister the power to declare any
area within the Coastal Zone as a “Reclamation and
Development Area” without the concurrence of the
Minister to whom the subject of Coast Conservation
and Coastal Resource Management is assigned.
In this subsection “Coastal Zone” shall have the
same meaning as is assigned to it in the Coast
Conservation and Coastal Resource Management Act,
No. 57 of 1981.”.
Section 9 by the repeal of paragraph (BB) of subsection (1) of
that section and the substitution therefor of the
following paragraph :—
“(BB) to construct harbours and anchorages and
to undertake work in the field of irrigation,
in such Areas ;”.

Coast Conservation (Amendment) 35
Act, No. 49 of 2011
LAW, NO. 4 OF 1978
Column I Column II
Section 20 by the repeal of the proviso to paragraph (b) of
subsection (1) of that section and the substitution
therefor of the following proviso:–
“Provided however that no by-law, regulation,
order or notification shall be made or issued by the
Board in terms of the provisions of the National
Environmental Act, No. 47 of 1980, and no power
or function shall be exercised or discharged by the
Board under the aforesaid Act, except in consultation
with and after having obtained the concurrence of,
the Central Environmental Authority established
under the National Environmental Act, No. 47 of
1980 or the Director-General of Coast Conservation
and Coastal Resource Management, appointed under
the Coast Conservation and Coastal Resource
Management Act, No. 57 of 1981.”.
Section 20A by the repeal of the proviso to subsection (2) of that
section and the substitution therefor of the following
proviso :—
“Provided that no power, duty or function under
the National Environmental Act, No. 47 of 1980 or
the Coast Conservation and Coastal Resource
Management Act, No. 57 of 1981 shall be exercised
or discharged by Board under the aforesaid Act,
except in consultation with and after having obtained
the concurrence of the Central Environmental
Authority established under the National
Environmental Act, No. 47 of 1980 or the Director-
General of Coast Conservation and Coastal Resource
Management, appointed under the Coast Conservation
and Coastal Resource Management Act, No. 57 of

36 Coast Conservation (Amendment)
Act, No. 49 of 2011
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