Gramabhiwurdhi Sadhaka Society

Gramabhiwurdhi Sadhaka Society


Whereas a society known as ” Gramabhiwurdhi Sadhaka Society” has been established at Sarikkalimulla in Moratuwa for the purpose of carrying out the objects of that society according to the rules agreed to by its members:
And whereas the said society has heretofore successfully carried out its objects and it is now desirable that the said society should be incorporated:
Be it enacted by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and the House of Representatives of Ceylon in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: –
Short title.
1. This Act may be cited as the Gramabhiwurdhi Sadhaka Society (Incorporation) Act, No. 12 of 1957.
Incorporation of Gramabhiwurdhi Sadhaka Society.
2. The members for the time being of the society known as Gramabhiwurdhi Sadhaka Society established at Sarikkalimulla in Moratuwa (hereinafter referred to as the ” society “) shall be a body corporate (hereinafter referred to as the ” corporation “) with perpetual succession, a common seal and the name ” Gramabhiwurdhi Sadhaka Society”. The corporation may sue and be sued in such name.
General objects of the corporation.
3. The following shall be the general objects of the corporation: –

(a) Maintenance of Samayalankara Buddhist Sunday School.
(b) The study and propagation of Buddhism.
(c) The practical observance of Buddhism and the encouragement to Buddhists of living according to the principles of Buddhism.
(d) Maintenance of Sri Thaksala Vidyalaya, presently a Senior Secondary English School.
(e) Periodical investigations of the Iron Works School and, when necessary, recommending to the Department of Industries improvements to that school.
(f) The advancement of the physical, intellectual and social welfare of members.
(g) The promotion of unity and co-operation among the people of the village in which the society is established.
Committee of management.

(1) The affairs of the corporation shall, subject to the rules in force for the time being of the corporation, be administered by a committee of management consisting of the president, the two vice-presidents, the honorary general secretary, and the honorary treasurer of the corporation and ten other members elected to that committee in accordance with the rules for the time being of the corporation.
(2) The first committee of management shall consist of the following: –
C. T. Perera, Esq., (President), W. A. William Silva, Esq., (Vice-President), Bertie W. Peiris, Esq., (Vice-President), P. V. D. S. Perera, Esq., (Honorary Secretary), D. S. Goonewardene, Esq., (Honorary Assistant Secretary), K. Rubert S. Peiris, Esq., (Honorary Treasurer), P. A. Sirisena Perera, Esq., L. L. Dharmadasa, Esq., B. A. Peter Dias, Esq., W. A. Simon Dharmasena, Esq., L. D. R. Piyasena, Esq., P. A. Jayaweera Perera, Esq., W. Chandrasena, Esq., M. A. Sirisena, Esq., and B. M. Sirisena, Esq.

(1) The corporation may make rules relating to the admission, suspension or expulsion of members, the duties of the committee of management and of the various officers, agents and servants of the corporation, the procedure in the transaction of business and the management of the affairs of the corporation and the accomplishment of its objects.
(2) Subject to the provisions of subsection (3), the rules set out in the Schedule to this Act shall be the rules of the corporation.
(3) Any rule of the corporation may be amended or rescinded or any rule may be added to the rules of the corporation by a resolution approved by the committee of management and passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of such members of the corporation entitled to vote under the rules of the corporation as are present at a general meeting of the members.
(4) The members of the corporation shall be subject to the rules in force for the time being of the corporation.
Debts due by and payable to the society.
6. All the debts and liabilities of the society existing at the time of the coming into operation of this Act shall be paid and discharged by the corporation, and all the debts, subscriptions and contributions due or payable to the society shall be paid to the corporation.
Seal of the corporation.
7. The seal of the corporation may be altered at the pleasure of the corporation. It shall not be affixed to any instrument whatsoever except in the presence of two of the members of the committee of management who shall sign their names on the instrument in token of their presence and such signing shall be independent of the signing of any person as a witness.
Corporation may hold property.
8. The corporation may acquire and hold any property, movable or immovable, by right of purchase, grant, gift, testamentary disposition, or otherwise, and all such property shall be held by the corporation subject to the rules for the time being of the corporation.
Saving of the rights of the Crown and others.
9. Nothing in this Act contained shall prejudice or affect the rights of Her Majesty the Queen, Her Heirs and Successors, or of any body corporate or of any other persons except such as are mentioned in this Act and those claiming from or under them.



[Section 5.]
1. Designation.-The society shall be called ” Gramabhi-wurdhi Sadhaka Society “.
2. Objects. The objects of the society are (a) religious, (b) educational and (c) social.
The religious objects are as follows: –

(1) Maintenance of Samayalankara Buddhist Sunday School.
(2) The study and propagation of Buddhism.
(3) The practical observance of Buddhism and the encouragement to Buddhists of living according to the principles of Buddhism.
The educational objects are as follows: –

(1) Maintenance of Sri Thaksala Vidyalaya, Senior Secondary English School.
(2) Periodical investigations of the Iron Works School and, when necessary, recommending to the Department of Industries improvements to that school.
The social objects are as follows: –

(1) The advancement of the physical, intellectual and social welfare of members.
(2) The promotion of unity and co-operation among the people of the village in which the society is established.
3. Membership.-

(a) Men not less than 18 years of age and having any or all of the above objects in view are eligible for membership.
(b) Membership shall be classified as “Active”, ” Ordinary” and “Life”.
(c) Active members shall pay a membership subscription of 25 cents per month, or Rs. 2.50 for the whole year if they pay the year’s subscription at once. The membership subscription of those who become active members on or after the 1st day of January, 1955, shall be Rs. 5 per year.
(d) Any person who is unable to attend meetings regularly, but morally and financially helps the work of the society, shall be elected as an ordinary member. The membership subscription of such a membar shall be 15 cents per mouth, or Re. 1.50 for the whole year if he wishes to pay the year’s subscription at once. The membership subscription of those who become ordinary members on or after the 1st day of January, 1955, shall be Rs. 3 per year.
(e) Any person who pays a membership subscription of Rs. 100 or more at one time may be elected a life-member.
(f) Every application for membership shall be countersigned by a member and shall be forwarded to the honorary general secretary who shall submit it to the committee of management at its next meeting.
(g) The name of an active member whose subscription has been in arrears for six months may, after 30 days’ notice, be struck off the register of members by the committee of management. He may not be re-elected until the arrears due from him are paid in full.
(h) No person who has been a member for less than three months immediately preceding the month in which a general meeting of the society is held and who has not paid his subscription for a period exceeding one month shall be entitled to vote at such meeting.
(i) The name of any member whose conduct the committee of management finds has been detrimental to the interests and honour of the society may be removed from the register of members for a limited period or permanently if not less than two-thirds of those members of that committee who are present at a meeting of that committee approve of such action. The quorum for such a meeting shall be 11 members.
4. Management.-

(a) The affairs of the society shall be managed by a committee of management consisting of the president, the two vice-presidents, the honorary general secretary, the honorary treasurer and ten other members elected to that committee at the annual general meeting of the society.
(b) The office-bearers shall hold office for one year or until successors are appointed.
(c) The various activities of the society may be entrusted to committees. Each committee shall consist of 5 members. Three of them shall be appointed at the annual general meeting of the society. The other two shall be elected by the committee of management from the members of that committee. One of those two shall be elected secretary of the committee by the committee of management.
(d) All office-bearers and members of the committee of management shall be Buddhists.
(e) In the absence of the president, one of the vice- presidents shall take the chair. In the absence of the president and the vice-presidents, a member shall be elected to the chair. The chairman shall have a casting vote.
(f) The honorary general secretary shall keep a record of special services rendered by members of the society, a register of members, and any other record that may be necessary.
(g) A meeting of the committee of management shall be held twice a month. Upon the written requisition of 5 members of the committee of management, the honorary general secretary shall call a meeting of the committee of management to transact such business as is stated in the requisition. The quorum for a meeting of the committee of management shall be seven members of whom 3 shall be office-bearers.
(h) In case of any vacancies occurring during the year in the offices except the office of president, honorary general secretary or honorary treasurer, or in the committee of management, the committee of management shall have the power to fill such vacancies for the unexpired part of the term. In the case of a vacancy occurring during the year in the office of president, honorary general secretary or honorary treasurer, the vacancy shall be filled at a general meeting of the society.
(i) The committee of management shall have the power to make rules for the transaction of its business and for the management of the affairs of the society and the committees constituted under paragraph (c) of this rule, but such rules shall not be inconsistent with the rules of the society.
(j) The committee of management shall hold and manage for the society all property belonging to the society.
(k) An inventory of both movable and immovable property of the society, as approved by the committee of management, shall be maintained.
5. General Meeting of the Society.-

(a) The annual general meeting of the society shall be held in the month of December at which the reports of the committee of management and of the honorary treasurer shall be presented.
(b) The honorary general secretary shall convene a special general meeting of the society at the request of the committee of management or upon the written requisition of not less than 15 members entitled under these rules to vote at such general meeting. In the event of failure on the part of the honorary general secretary to convene a general meeting of the society upon such requisition, the members signing the requisition shall have the power to convene such meeting after due notice in writing to the president.
(c) A fortnight’s written notice shall be given of any general meeting and 15 members inclusive of 3 office bearers shall be the quorum for such meeting.
(d) Every notice of motion to be moved at a general meeting of the society shall be in writing and signed by the member giving notice. If such letter is not received by the honorary general secretary seven days prior to the date of the general meeting, such motion shall not be included in the agenda of the general meeting.
(e) Every motion included in the agenda of a general meeting of the society shall have been previously approved by the committee of management.
(f) Where a motion due notice of which has been given by a member is not approved by the committee of management and is therefore not included in the agenda of a general meeting of the society, such member shall have the right to move such motion with the permission of the meeting.
6. Auditor.-The members shall appoint at the annual general meeting of the society an auditor who shall audit the accounts of the society for the ensuing year. In the event of an auditor so appointed not being able to act through any cause, the committee of management shall have power to appoint another auditor.
7. Amendment of Rules.-The rules of the society may be amended by a resolution approved by the committee of management and passed by a majority of not less than two- thirds of such members entitled to vote as are present at a general meeting of the society. At least 15 days’ written notice of any motion of amendment to the rules of the society shall be given to the members.
8. General.-The society shall not align itself with any political associations or party.
9. Management Of Finances.-

(a) The honorary treasurer shall not incur any expenditure over Rs. 10 per month with out the approval of the committee of management or a general meeting of the society.
(b) Expenditure not exceeding Us. 100 per month may be incurred with the approval of the committee of management.
(c) No expenditure above Rs. 100 shall be incurred without the approval of a general meeting of the society.
(d) All moneys of the society shall be deposited in the name of the society in such bank or banks as may be approved by the committee of management.
(e) The honorary treasurer shall not have in his possession any cash exceeding Rs. 25.
(f) All cheques of the society shall be signed by the president and honorary treasurer or one of the vice-presidents and honorary treasurer.



(a) The English school known as Sri Thaksala Vidyalaya (hereinafter referred to as the “vidyalaya”) and owned by the society shall be managed by Dr. R. P. Wijayaratne for life or till he retires.
(b) The appointment of succeeding managers of the vidyalaya shall be by a resolution passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members voting at a general meeting of the society.
(c) The manager of the vidyalaya shall submit to the society annually an audited statement of accounts.
(d) A manager of the vidyalaya after Dr. R. P. Wijaya ratne shall be elected, in accordance with paragraph (b) of this rule, once every three years or earlier if a manager is discontinued for mismanagement or resigns office or dies.
(e) The management of the vidyalaya, all appointments and dismissals, and the conduct of other matters connected with the vidyalaya shall be according to the direction of the manager of the vidyalaya exercised for the well-being and progress of the vidyalaya.
(f) The manager of the vidyalaya may depute his functions at his discretion to the principal of the vidyalaya or any person nominated by him. There shall be an advisory board of five whom the manager of the vidyalaya may consult in important matters connected with the manage ment of the vidyalaya and shall be nominated by the society. They shall be members of the society.
(g) The first advisory board shall consist of: –
Dr. D. T. R. Gunawardene (Chairman),
J. de Silva, Esq., B.A.,
W. A. William Silva, Esq.,
D. C. Gunawardene, Esq., and
C. T. Perera, Esq., (Secretary).
(h) No teacher (including the principal) of the vidyalaya shall vote at a meeting of the society on any matter relating to the vidyalaya or hold any office of the society.