Provincial Councils Notifications


North Central Provincial Planning Board Statute, No. 01 of 1997



THE above statute approved on 24th June, 1997 by the North Central Provincial Council of the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and certified on 13th November, 1997 by the Hon. Governor of the North Central Province is appended for general information.
R. H. SOMAWEERA. Secretary, North Central Provincial Council.


Short Title and Date of Operation


(i) This statute may be cited as the Provincial Planning Statute No. 01 of 1997 of the North Central Provincial Council.
(ii) This shall come into operation from the dale of assent by the Provincial Governor.


Constitution of the Provincial Planning Council


(1) There shall be established a council which shall be called Provincial Planning Council (hereinafter referred to as “Provincial Planning Council”) and it shall consist of the following persons:-

(i) A representative of the Governor;
(ii) Provincial Hoard of Ministers;
(iii) Chief Secretary of the Province and all other Provincial Secretaries;
(iv) District Secretaries of the Province.
(v) Not more than 07 persons appointed as members of the council by the Governor on the recommendation of the Board of Ministers.
(2) A Member of the Council appointed by the Governor shall hold office as a member for a period of three years, commencing from the date of his appointment, unless he resigns earlier or his appointment is terminated under Sub-section (3).
(3) The appointment of any person as a Member of the Council may at any time be terminated by the Governor on the recommendation of the Board of Ministers.


Chairman and Deputy Chairman.
3. The Chief Minister shall be the Chairman of the Planning Council. In the absence of the Chief Minister any member nominated by the council shall act as the Chairman of the Council.


Delegation of the powers and functions of the Chairman.
4. It shall be legal for the acting Chairman to implement powers and functions of the Chairman.


Functions of the Council.
5. By virtue of the powers of the Government Constitution vested on the North Central Provincial Council the functions of the Planning Council shall be the preparation of plans necessary for Provincial Economic and Social Development, implement them and advise the Provincial Council to conduct progress surveys pertaining to the subjects given in the List No. 01 of the Sub-schedule No. 09 of the 13th Amendment to the Government Constitution.


6. The Provincial Planning Council may make rules in relation to the meetings of the council. the procedure for the business transactions and other matters connected with the affairs of the council.


Establishment of Provincial Secretarial Office.


(1) There shall be established a Provincial Planning Secretariat for implementing the functions specified in Section 5.
(2) The Chief Secret an of the Province shall be the head of the Planning Secretariat and he shall be designated as Secretary of the Provincial Planning Council.
(3) The Provincial Planning Secretariat Office shall be under the supervision of Planning Council Secretary and necessary staff for his assistance shall be appointed.


Functions of the. Provincial Planning Secretariat Office.
8. As per Section 5, collection of necessary information for the activities of the Provincial Planning Council, provision of supervisory services and provision of necessary activities for the performance of the duties of the Provincial Planning Council arc the duties of the Provincial Planning Secretariat Office.


Powers of the Chairman in respect of the Provincial Planning Secretariat.
9. The Provincial Planning Secretarial shall be subject to the general direction and control of the Chairman of the Provincial Planning Council.


Appointment of consultative bodies and engagement of expert services.
10. The Provincial Planning Council may appoint consultative bodies or engage experts for Planning Development of Economy of the Province,


Power to obtain information.

11. The Chairman of the Provincial Planning Council or any officer of the Provincial Planning Secretariat authorised for the purpose by the Chairman may,-

(i) Require any person to furnish to him such information as he may consider it necessary to obtain for the purpose of the functions of the Provincial Planning Council; or
(ii) Require any person to produce for inspection any books or records in his possession containing or likely to contain any such information.
(iii) Any person who without reasonable cause fails or refuse to comply with any requirement made under Sub-sections (i) and (ii) shall be guilty of an offence of this Statute, such person shall be liable to a fine not exceeding Rs. 1,000 or to imprisonment of either description for a term not exceeding one month, or to both such fine and such imprisonment after summary trial before a magistrate.
(iv) Where submission of any information is prohibited by any other written law, the above Sub- section shall not apply.


(1) The Chairman of the Provincial Planning Council may in consultation with the Provincial Planning Council, make regulations in respect of the following matters:-

(a) The remuneration to be paid to any of the members of the Provincial Planning Council who are appointed by the Governor.
(b) Employment of other persons who are not Provincial Government Employees for the duties in the Provincial Planning Council or the Provincial Planning Secretariat
(c) Any mailer connected with the exercise or the discharge of the functions of the Provincial Planning Council or the Provincial Planning Secretariat Office.
(2) All regulations made under Sub-section (1) shall be published in the Government Gazette with the dates on which they come into operation. The regulations thus published in the Gazelle shall be brought for approval to the Provincial Council before expiry of one month from the dale of publication.



13. In this Statute

Meaning of the “Provincial Council” is the North Central Provincial Council;
Meaning of the “Governor” is Governor of the North Central Provincial Council,
Meaning of the “Board of Ministers” is the Board of Ministers in the North Central Provincial Council;
Meaning of the “Secretaries” means the Chief Secretary of the North Central Provincial Council and Secretaries to the Ministries, Secretary to the Governor, Secretary to the Provincial Public Service Commission, Secretary to the Provincial Council and Deputy Chief Secretaries;
Meaning of the “District Secretaries” are District Secretaries of Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa.


Sinhala text to prevail in case of inconsistancy.
14. In the event of any inconsistancy between the Sinhala and Tamil text of this statute, the Sinhala text shall prevail.